Geographic Plots

Geographic plots are a specific subfamily of Plots designed to represent geospatial data in a map. This category includes the Geographic chart, which allows users to represent and precisely localize geographic positions on the Earth’s surface using geographic coordinates.

In the Geographic chart, by default locations are displayed as points on a map, referred to as nodes. Users can establish connections between nodes by defining links, which are lines connecting different locations. For more information on how to configure nodes and links, see the following subsection.

To navigate the widget, you can use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out: scrolling downwards zooms in, while scrolling upwards zooms out. Alternatively, click the zoom control button in the top-right corner of your Geographic chart to set the desired zoom level. You can also interact with the chart using the mouse pointer as a grabbing hand cursor by simply clicking and dragging on the map to seamlessly move around and adjust the displayed area.

Once you have built your Geographic chart, clicking on points will highlight the corresponding parent location point(s) and links in green and the corresponding child location points and links in red.


The event triggers available for the Geographic chart are:

  • onMouseEnter

  • onMouseLeave

This page is divided into different sections, each of them delving into specific characteristic and configurations of the Geographic chart:

  • Input menu : a vertical bar controlling the input definition and all the related options modifying how map settings, nodes and links are represented.

  • Chart layout menu: opened through the widget context menu, it contains all the customizable map layout options.

  • Map settings: the map layout context menu allows for the definition of the map’s style using the options available on Mapbox.

  • Node and link options: node and link context menus, allowing customization of nodes and links.

Input Menu

Similar to Cartesian plots widgets, the input menu is represented as a hamburger menu which can be opened at the left of the selected Geographic chart, or at the right in case of no left space. For each graphical dimension available on the selected Geographic chart, a dedicated button will be enabled, allowing users to drop new attributes on the considered dimension. Two dimensions are available: nodes and links.


Please note that the link dimension will initially appear greyed out. To start interacting with it, refer to this subsection.

The Geographic chart widget shares with the Link Analysis the same dimensions. For more details on these dimensions types, check out the following page.

The dimension icons and the corresponding GOLD references available are listed in the table below:





Layout Type

This button configures the overall graphical map settings. From this button users can choose the desired map styles types.

Node Layout

Button related to the node graphical dimension.

Link Layout

Button related to the link graphical dimension.

Geographic Chart Layout

Once the widget has been dragged onto the slide, users can double-click its frame or use the widget context menu to open the Layout options pane.

The Layout options pane is made of two sections, the LAYOUT and SELECTION tab.

All the options available in the LAYOUT tab can be customized in parametric mode. In the SELECTION tab users can parametrize all the options except the Scope edit box.

Users can find all the available options and the corresponding GOLD references in the table below.

To know more about GOLD, go to the corresponding page.





Layout options

Use custom position

If selected, this checkbox allows users to set a custom map position on the Geographic chart when opening the view.
The location must be defined by specifying the coordinates in the Initial center (lat) and Initial center (lon) fields. Additionally, the Initial zoom (2-18) option can be set to adjust the map’s zoom level on the location.

Initial zoom (2-18)

From this spin box, users can set the zoom level of the Geographic chart, with values ranging from 2 (the lowest zoom) to 18 (the highest zoom).
At the highest zoom level, the plus icon on the map’s zoom control will be greyed out. At the lowest zoom level, the minus icon will be greyed out.

Initial center (lat)

Here, users can enter the desired latitude of the location they want to visualize on the map.

Initial center (lon)

Here, users can enter the desired longitude of the location they want to visualize on the map.

Highlight only the selected node when clicking

If selected, when clicking on a point in the Geographic chart, only the selected point is highlighted. By default, it is unchecked, and when clicking on a point in the Geographic chart, all the connected points and links are highlighted.
If in the SELECTION tab, users have selected Enabled for the Widget selection, and the Highlight only the selected node when clicking is unchecked, the other widgets (specified in the Scope box) will only display the corresponding value of the selected point. If in the SELECTION tab, users have selected Enabled for the Widget selection, and the Highlight only the selected node when clicking is checked, the other widgets specified in the Scope box will display the corresponding parent and child values of the selected point.




Widget selection

It enables or disables the selection operation. The possible values are:

  • Enabled - if selected, the selection triggers a data filtering or data selection operation on the Widgets specified in the Scope field.
  • Disabled - if selected, the selection does not have any other effect except the simple graphical one.

Action type

It defines the operation that will be performed on the selection trigger. The two options are:


Users can type here the widget names on which the selection/filter will be applied. It is also possible to choose the widgets from the popup which opens by clicking the button next to the Scope box.
To know more about the Scope, look at this section.


If users select the Use custom position checkbox but only set the Initial zoom (2-18) option without defining any geographic coordinates in Initial center (lat) and Initial center (lon), the zoom operation will be performed randomly on the Geographic chart.

Map Settings Options

Right-clicking the Layout Type icon at the top of the input menu, opens the Map settings window, where users can customize the map’s layout style.


To select the desired map layout from the Map types drop-down list, a default public Mapbox token must first be copied and pasted into the Mapbox token box option.

The only option available in this window, along with its corresponding GOLD references, is listed in the table below.




Map types

From this drop-down list, users can select the following Mapbox map layout types:

  • Default (the standard map layout type available without a Mapbox token)

  • Mapbox standard

  • Mapbox streets v12

  • Mapbox outdoors v12

  • Mapbox light

  • Mapbox dark

  • Mapbox satellite v9

  • Mapbox satellite streets v12

  • Mapbox navigation day v1

  • Mapbox navigation night v11