Convert Ruleset to Dataset#

The Convert Ruleset to Dataset task converts rulesets to datasets, so that users can then perform in-depth analysis and specific operations, which are not available for rules, via pre-processing tasks such as the Data Manager.

For example, it might be required to filter rules through a formula to identify only those rules which have a specific range of covering.

If required, the resulting dataset can then be reconverted to a ruleset via the Convert Dataset to Ruleset task.

The task is divided into two tabs:

The Options tab#

The Options tab is made of a unique panel, and it contains the following options:

  • Dataset format: select the required format for the dataset, which can be one of the following:
    • One row for each rule (default): the resulting table contains a row for each rule.

    • One row for each term: the resulting table contains a row for each condition attribute value within each rule.

    • One row for each condition: the resulting table contains a row for each condition attribute within each rule.

  • Conditions on ordered attributes format: select the required format for the conditions on ordered attributes (ruleinterval), which can be one of the following:
    • a<x<b (default): values will always be displayed with greater than or less than indicators.

    • x>a, x in [a,b]: values will be displayed with greater than or less than indicators, or as a range when possible.

    • x in [0, Inf], x in [a,b]: values will always be displayed as a range, using an infinite value (Inf) when these is no end of range value available.

The Results tab#

The Results tab contains information on the computation. It is divided into two panels:

  • in the General Info panel, users can find the following information:

  • in the Result Quantities panel, the following quantities are displayed:
    • Average covering for a rule (%)

    • Average error for a rule

    • Average number of conditions in a rule

    • Maximum covering for a rule (%)

    • Maximum error for a rule

    • Maximum number of conditions in a rule

    • Minimum covering for a rule (%)

    • Minimum error for a rule

    • Minimum number of conditions in a rule

    • Number of attributes in rules

    • Number of distinct samples

    • Number of rules

    • Number of samples


  • After having merged rules into a unique ruleset with the Merge Rules task, add a Convert Ruleset to Dataset task to the flow and link it to the Merge Rules task.

  • Leave the default options, as we want to have one rule in each row.
  • Add a Data Manager task to the flow and link it to the Convert Ruleset to Dataset task to visualize the generated dataset. Set the following options: