Export to Text File#

The Export to Text File task exports datasets or other data structures to a text file.

The Export to Text File task is divided into two tabs:

The Options tab#

A detailed description of the Options tab is provided in the Export tasks introductory page.

In this task only, the Character encoding for output files option is available: it allows users to choose between the following values:

  • UTF-8 (default value)

  • UTF-16LE

  • UTF-16BE


The Export Options tab#

The Export Options tab is divided into two panes: the Dataset Structure pane and the Rules pane.

Dataset Structure

Within this pane, users can set and configure the following options:

  • Data separator: the data separator delimiting the values of the data to be exported in the output file. Possible values are:
    • COMMA



    • SPACE

    • OTHER: after having selected this option, specify any other wished data separator.

  • File extension: the required extension type for the exported file. Possible values are:
    • tab

    • csv (default)

    • txt

    • data

    • tsv

  • String for missing values: the character or string used to indicate missing values.

  • Text delimiter: select from the drop-down list the symbol used to identify strings, which will included in the exported file (e.g. selecting the symbol , the string age will be exported as “age”).

  • Put names in line (0 means ‘no names’): the line number from which the names of the columns will be taken.

  • Put types in line (o means ‘no types): the line number from which the names of the data types will be taken.


Within this pane, users can set and configure the following options:

  • Write covering statistics: if selected, covering statistics for rules will be added to the exported text file.

  • Write error statistics: if selected, error statistics for rules will be added to the exported text file.

  • Write condition covering statistics: if selected, covering statistics for conditions will be added to the exported text file.

  • Write condition error statistics: if selected, error statistics for conditions will be added to the exported text file.

  • Rule format: the way users want rule data to be expressed. Possible values are:
    • If-then (default)

    • C-like: matrix.


  • Drag an Export to Text File task onto the stage and link it to the task containing the data to export.

  • Double-click the task to open it and configure it as follows:
    • Select Dataset as the Data to be exported.

    • Select Store file as the Export mode.

    • Select the Destination type: in this case, we decided to use a Custom destination, a Local File System.

    • Choose the path of the folder where the file will be stored by clicking on the SELECT button.

    • Write the File basename in the corresponding field.

    • In the Export Options tab, select txt as the File extension.

  • Save and compute the task.

https://cdn.rulex.ai/docs/Factory/export-text-file-1.webp https://cdn.rulex.ai/docs/Factory/export-text-file-2.webp