Version 1.3.1-334¶
Released: 11 February 2025
Double-clicking in the DM cell required to copy it’s value modifies the history of the nod: Editing operations on a cell in the Data Manager task are now performed and saved in the history only when a real change has been made. (Linked issue: RP-4515, CS-3580)
Permission error shows unknown internal error in logs: Improved error message when the user has no permissions (Linked issue: RP-4523, CS-3594)
Flows are running longer than usual: Fixed a bug which slowed down the flow opening. (Linked issue: RP-4535, CS-3600)
Version 1.3.1-330¶
Released: 06 February 2025
Unknown internal error in module: Fix bug on particular combination of GOLD variables management. (Linked issue: RP-4516, CS-3589)
Version 1.3.1-317¶
Released: 02 February 2025
Variable can not be turned into sensitive with a variable filter active: An interface error occurred if a code variable was made sensitive with a variable filter active. (Linked issue: RP-4483, CS-3545)
Error during Snowflake export: Table creation with nominal columns in Snowflake had issues in export query definition. (Linked issue: RP-4485)
Sorting issue in Unix Systems (Ubuntu/RHEL): In Unix systems comparison between strings was managed incorrectly if the first different character is a Unicode character versus an ASCII character. This might have led to wrong ordering after sorting operations. (Linked issue: RP-4495)
Rulex server recurrent issue: If the web client had latency in contacting the server, no warning message was returned to the final user. A warning message has been added if the message did not reach the server before 3 seconds. (Linked issue: RP-4498, CS-3567)
Issue in importing Studio bookmark: Fixed a bug occurring when importing a bookmark in studio with single user licenses. (Linked issue: RP-4504, CS-3573)
Studio issue on editing setting when trying to import multiple bookmarks: In Rulex Studio, the user was not able to select different import configurations for multiple files imported with the Detach option. (Linked issue: RP-4507, CS-3575)
Version 1.3.1-304¶
Released: 21 January 2025
Bug on datamanager query: Fixed a bug on Data Manager query in case of multiple attribute conditions over the same attribute. (Linked issue: RP-4474)
Version 1.3.1-300¶
Released: 18 January 2025
Features added:
Bridge tasks refactoring: GUI refactoring of the following tasks: Python Bridge, Python Import Bridge, R Bridge , R Import Bridge. (Linked issue: RP-4443)
In scatter plots the command Set range does not behave correctly: In plots with more than one dimension (as Scatter Plot) ranges were not treated correctly if range on X axis was imposed. (Linked issue: RP-4130)
[Factory] Exported RFL File size doesn’t adjust correctly when reverting to In Memory from Full template in ANOW: Aligned Rulex Platform behaviour to Rulex 4 when exporting a flow. Now data for undefined and ready tasks are not exported anymore. (Linked issue: RP-4410, CS-3502)
Bug on Extract Module from the stage: When extracting a module and then opening the explorer, the extracted module flow was not visible in the explorer until a refresh was performed. (Linked issue: RP-4424)
Random unstable issues happening in Rulex platform PROD version: Fixed an issue on a specific case of difference (“-” operator) between string and missing values and missing values management in conditions. (Linked issue: RP-4434, CS-3513)
Version 1.3.1-268¶
Released: 06 January 2025
Version performed to align unix and darwin OS to last feature and bugfixes ## Version 1.3.1-267
Released: 03 January 2025
The Plot BE response is not parsable: Currency and Percentage attributes were not correctly displayed in Rulex Studio and Data Manager Plots. (Linked issue: RP-4326)
Unformatted lines in the logs: Some log not formatted in JSON form were present in the final desktop log files. Issue is now solved, and all exported lines are in JSON format. (Linked issue: RP-4371)
Rulex does not compute the calculation of a task: Fixed a bug on “Insert attributes” when the insert position was greater than the attributes number. (Linked issue: RP-4389, CS-3480)
Pie plot do not respect columns and rows number: Pie and Doughnut plot did not respect user grid configuration. (Linked issue: RP-4413)
Windows server crash: On some server installations, the startup of microservices is slower than the probe analysis startup. This led to a failure in the communication between ms. The probe retry time has been enlarged from 5 seconds to 50 seconds to allow slower startup. (Linked issue: RP-4416, CS-3506)
Rulex Platform Server and Cloud: user not logged out when browser tab is closed: In case of tab window closing in Server and Cloud version of Rulex Platform, the license session was not correctly logged out. (Linked issue: RP-4417, RP-4408)
Garbage collector does not erase nested folder in server version: In Server version, garbage collector failed in erasing nested folders from operating folders. (Linked issue: RP-4418)
Version 1.3.1-247¶
Released: 13 December 2024
Version performed to align unix and darwin OS to last feature and bugfixes ## Version 1.3.1-244
Released: 11 December 2024
Version performed to align unix and darwin OS to last feature and bugfixes ## Version 1.3.1-236
Released: 08 December 2024
Features changed:
Fork Versioning Operation: Introduced a new versioning operation Fork to create a new branch from the current one. (Linked issue: RP-4379)
Apply Model task works differently in new Rulex Platform version on PROD - WF TLane Audit: Manage a corner case in LLM training when a single key attribute is present (Linked issue: RP-4368, CS-3457)
Can’t choose in schedule: “Run schedule even if user is logged off”: If auto login option in an already existing plan schedule was modified, a Javascript unhandled exception occurred. (Linked issue: RP-4380, CS-3462)
Version 1.3.1-206¶
Released: 01 December 2024
[Factory] Bug in Mapping inbound task to entry point: Module mapping between inbound tasks and entrypoint tasks can now be correctly modified through the module task interface. (Linked issue: RP-4348, CS-3446)
[Factory] Missing Attribute was not included in the Error: When moving more than one column, if some attributes to be moved were not present the error message did not contain their names. (Linked issue: RP-4352, CS-3449)
[Rulex Factory] Can’t “take a look” at a DM: Take a Look was not working on the last Task opened. Issue is now solved (Linked issue: RP-4353, CS-3451)
Version 1.3.1-202¶
Released: 24 November 2024
Features added:
Added new authentication types to SharePoint connector: SharePoint storages can now be accessed with a delegated refresh token. This token can also be obtained by providing user credentials interactively. (Linked issue: RP-2792)
Added support to Amazon Redshift: Rulex Platform can now access Amazon Redshift servers (Linked issue: RP-4333)
Features changed:
New authentication for Outlook: Interactive authentication to Outlook now outputs a refresh token which can be used for the connection (Linked issue: RP-4334)
Unable to import DRP_AV_LA_IPT_Chile on QA/PROD VMs: Managed a specific case when importing a flow where there’s an option in a task which had a wrong code. (Linked issue: RP-4294, CS-3414)
Persist last sorting option in the Explorer blade: Added KeepMounted to the Drawer Explorer component to not retrieve the list of flows at any opening but only at any change of the Selected environment. (Linked issue: RP-4300, CS-3415)
Error Description when a Parent Task is not Defined: Improved the error message appearing when a not computable endpoint task is present in modules. (Linked issue: RP-4306, CS-3416)
Flow context menu does not open if Seach Manager is selected: When opening the Search Manager from the Explorer with a flow already opened, the corresponding flow context menu would no longer open until another flow was selected. This issue has now been solved. (Linked issue: RP-4308)
[Factory] Plan Schedule - will not show the full name: Schedule name field can now contain character “_”. (Linked issue: RP-4314, CS-3424)
[Factory] Dataman has a completed status but History was not computed/applied: Unhandled exception was present in version 1.3.1 if a column with a name in the following form
( ) and name contains a ! such as min(Issue present != 0) was used. (Linked issue: RP-4331, CS-3434)
Version 1.3.1-187¶
Released: 09 November 2024
Features changed:
Add support of Expand Query feature in Parametric Mode: In import from Database and Conditional Import from Database the query can now be expanded even in parametric mode, showing the full code in a dedicated popup window. (Linked issue: RP-4296)
Issues With Rulex Server RedHat Version 1.3.1-150: Issue with microserveces restart and rhel rulexServer service (Linked issue: RP-4281)
Rulex Factory Migration Issue - Additional to CS-3393: Replicated Rulex 4 behavior where, in case of a single root in the module flow and no mapping in the module task, every parent task is set as root parent in mapping. (Linked issue: RP-4291, CS-3407)
Version 1.3.1-167¶
Released: 01 November 2024
Features added:
Implemented advanced editing options for gridtables: Gridtables have a new panel, allowing advanced editing operations (value check, formula, batch edit) (Linked issue: RP-4270)
Implemented new authentication methods for SQL Server: New authentication methods based on Microsoft Entra ID have been added to SQL Server connector. (Linked issue: RP-4271)
Added the possibility of parametrize attribute definition and constraints in BuildSolve: Added the possibility to parametrize attribute definitions and constraints in BuildSolve task using the new optional column “For“ in the configuration file. More than one column “For” can be added. (Linked issue: RP-4272)
Added “end” and “start” keyword in formula application for the BuildSolve: In the rules configuration file new keywords “start“ and “end“ for the column “Application“ have been added, in order to apply the corresponding formula once at the beginning or at the end of the optimization. (Linked issue: RP-4273)
Features changed:
RHEL: moved installation folder: Moved installation folder for rhel rulexplatform from /usr/bin to /opt. (Linked issue: RP-4274)
Import from Excel ignores millisecond value: Precision adopted for float values in Excel read/write actions have been increased to 16 digits and spurious characters in labels have been skipped (Linked issue: RP-4240)
Text area modifications during workflow execution: Text and widgets can now be modified during a computation. Moreover, the text editing mode is closed when the end computation alert dialog appears. (Linked issue: RP-4244, CS-3371)
Filter function not working: Filter <= 0 in continuous values is now correctly created. (Linked issue: RP-4245, CS-3380)
Unable to remove port number in SQL Server connection: Now the port option in a SQL Server connection can be correctly set to an empty value. (Linked issue: RP-4253, CS-3387)
Enviroment variables shown as regular code variables but encrypted: Fixed disalignment for sensitive variables between flow and environment. When an environment variable is created in sensitive mode and there’s a flow that already has the same variable but not in sensitive mode, there’s a switch to issensitive mode. (Linked issue: RP-4254, CS-3390)
Crashing when accessing shared flows and cant return to explorer, Softlocked.: Fixed a bug on explorer management of resources with name None (Linked issue: RP-4262, CS-3401)
[RF] Module ended with errors: Actions/NewShuttleAction : Invalid Type for argument car in function round: Fixed a bug on errorline detection in the Data Manager. (Linked issue: RP-4264, CS-3398)
Copying text - strange behaviour: Now variables’ name and value can correctly be copied (Linked issue: RP-4267, CS-3400)
Version 1.3.1-153¶
Released: 23 October 2024
Features added:
Added support to Snowflake: Rulex Platform can now access Snowflake servers for both input and output (Linked issue: RP-4204)
Version 1.3.1-150¶
Released: 18 October 2024
[Factory] Change was not applied correctly even if it was saved successfully: Save button is now correctly enabled/disabled when changing tasks options in parametric mode. (Linked issue: RP-4042, CS-3237)
LMM gives to rules: Manage fully ambiguous rules in LLM when key attributes are present (Linked issue: RP-4216, CS-3355)
Workflows failing on one of the tasks with “Unknown internal error” notification: Fixed a bug on the head function when many values were present. (Linked issue: RP-4218, CS-3356)
Version 1.3.1-138¶
Released: 05 October 2024
Features changed:
Change priority management for task of “Export Flow”: While preparing for the computation, the priority of the task “Export Flow” is modified in order to guarantee that it is computed alone. (Linked issue: RP-4206)
Long Time of computing LLM: Accelerate execution of LLM tasks when key attributes are present and change default value for option keymode to Complete (Linked issue: RP-4188, CS-3308)
Copy of additional information (as currency unit or timezone) lead to a unhandled exception in case of empty vector: In empty vectors or columns with 0 lines, additional information was not present. Attempt to copy in a newly created variable led to an unhandled exception. (Linked issue: RP-4205)
Version 1.3.1-129¶
Released: 28 September 2024
Moving window issue: Correct computation of values adopted to fill missing values when fillmiss option is set in Moving Window task (Linked issue: RP-4166)
[RULEX] Unknown internal error in some flows: Fix bug on Import from Excel File task with malformed “uniqueCount” tag. (Linked issue: RP-4186, CS-3301)
Version 1.3.1-115¶
Released: 25 September 2024
Features added:
New integrated AWS authentication system: AWS authentication has been overhauled to be used in both Amazon S3 and generic HTTP/S connections (Linked issue: RP-3786)
Possibility to sort resource in environment: Added the possibility to sort resources in different ways in the explorer. (Linked issue: RP-4111)
Added entry “noemptyhistory” in Flow Review Tool on sheet “Flow”: Added entry “noemptyhistory” parameter in the Flow Review Tool in sheet “Flow” to check if manager tasks have an empty history. (Linked issue: RP-4132)
Add copy to clipboard entry to the variables manager context menu: A new entry has been added to the variables’ context menu: the copy to clipboard operation allows user to copy the selected variables to the clipboard in a “tabular” way, as it was in Rulex 4. (Linked issue: RP-4144)
Features changed:
Changed filesystem connection error logging: Filesystem connection error messages now show response body received by REST API (Linked issue: RP-3842)
Add function to button filter case attributes and code: Added attribute function support on Attribute and Code comparison (Linked issue: RP-3910)
Added existence check on files and folders in Import File Info task: The Import File Info task now checks the existence for every provided path and returns the result as a column of the final dataset. (Linked issue: RP-3927)
Explore Resources alphabetical order is now case insensitive: Explore Resources alphabetical order is now case insensitive. (Linked issue: RP-4146)
Add forevery parameter for use moving windows in datamanager functions: Added the ‘forevery’ parameter to perform some aggregative functions on moving windows in datamanager formulas. (Linked issue: RP-4156)
After a Stop Computation from Studio, tasks with updated status should arrive in GetComputeStatus: Fix a computation API bug which was leaving the request file outdated when a stop computation call was sent. (Linked issue: RP-2799)
[Factory] Not all tasks were computed even if FULL template was used: Fixed a bug on priority management when multiple import from task tasks were present and the tasks had different priorities but very close in value. (Linked issue: RP-3640, CS-2992)
Wrong dtor behaviour: Fix a bug on RulesToDataset management of nominal conditions with values whose characterers were all digits. (Linked issue: RP-3648)
Issue with missing imputing: Fixed a bug on ImputeMissing when the attribute is nominal and the value is not nominal. (Linked issue: RP-3654)
Permission of “create” on environment implies permission of “modify” and “view” on resources in that environment: Now the “create” permission on an environment implies the “modify” and “view” permissions on the resources in the same environment. (Linked issue: RP-4017)
[Network Optimizer] LP problem is unfeasible: Specific corner case for NOP, leading to an unfeasible optimization problem, has been managed (Linked issue: RP-4038, CS-3233)
Bug on stripspaces and onlyspace preservation: Fixed a bug on onlyonespace and stripspaces preservation in preprocessing tasks’ datataset. (Linked issue: RP-4057)
Module ended with errors : Following tasks have too many parents: execprc2_cpy_1/dataman166.): Handled missing parents in createLink when checking maxparent. (Linked issue: RP-4059, CS-3251)
Optimize Rules got stuck: Set to True the default value for option fastopt (not available for user’s change) in task OptimizeRules (Linked issue: RP-4066)
Working with variables - when deleting part of the variable name using ‘del’ button, you simply delete the whole variable: Pressing the Del key now deletes the selected text in variable name. (Linked issue: RP-4092, CS-3263)
[Factory] ANOW STG Task cannot execute RMT flow: Fix bug on missing option “process” management in Import From Task. (Linked issue: RP-4100, CS-3261)
[Factory] Code Variable Window Keeps on Loading: Fiedx a bug on interactions between sensitive variables and environment vault variables with the same name. (Linked issue: RP-4108, CS-3266)
Cannot copy list of variables, in: Variables’ copy operation using the shift key when a filter was active has been corrected, selecting the correct variables (Linked issue: RP-4110, CS-3269)
Rulex Factory conversion Error: Fixed a bug on empty output management in LLM. (Linked issue: RP-4145, CS-3286)
Platform lets delete variables used in the WF: Fixed the checking of used variables in flow when they are reported in Data Manager or Rule Manager queries in order to prevent their deletion. (Linked issue: rp-4054, CS-3250)