Association tasks#

Association tasks integrate association algorithms and can be used to solve unsupervised learning problems.

An algorithm is a sequence of strips, triggered by an initial action, which reacts to changing circumstances, and produces an output or a decision.

Association tasks aim to retrieve rules that can identify relations between variables associated with the same identifier: it extracts correlation patterns between elements in large dataset.

For example, they can be used to drive store strategies, for example:

  • how to cross-sell related products,

  • how to set the pricing strategy

An association algorithm can be used when a list of frequent associations and/or association rules is needed to predict what it is most likely to happen next in a sequence of events.

Unsupervised learning#

Unsupervised learning algorithms have no output variables, so they look for a structure in the underlying data, such as groups or clusters of attributes, according to their similarity: two samples belonging to the same group must show a higher value of similarity than two patterns associated with different clusters.

Association tasks layout#

Rulex Factory association tasks have a common layout. They are usually made of three tabs, each one with a specific aim:

  • the Options tab, which can be divided into two tabs: the Basic tab and the Advanced tab. The options contained in each tab vary according to the chosen task. In the Basic tab, or in the Options tab if the Advanced tab isn’t provided for the corresponding task, you will find a common layout which consists of:
    • the Attributes list

    • the Attribute drop area

    • the configuration options, which consist of checkboxes, drop down lists, number fields which are necessary to customize the analysis to perform.

You will find more about the Options tab and the configurations available in each task’s page.

  • the Rules tab: here you will find the corresponding rule spreadsheet for each task.

  • the Results tab: here you will find computation information, which vary according to the chosen task. It is divided into two sections:
    • the General info section, where you will find general information.

    • the Result quantities section, where you will find detailed quantities. The information provided here varies according to the chosen task.

See also

You will find all the information on the options, spreadsheets and results obtained in the corresponding task’s page.