Studio Events¶
Studio events enable the creation of dynamic connections and trigger a series of linked operations. They are a game-changing feature, allowing users to transform static dashboards into highly interactive and responsive ones.
For instance, users can configure an event linked to a widget that, when triggered, performs various actions such as opening a slide or webpage, displaying a floating window, running a Rulex Factory’s flow to update data, executing macros or custom GOLD code, exporting a PDF report to a desired location, or even modifying a widget’s layout when certain conditions are met.
Here’s the list of the available events:
During the configuration of the Open modal window and Compute flow events, users can choose to display a floating pop-up window called Mask. The design of a Mask can be fully customized with graphical elements (e.g. containers, tabs, checkboxes, etc.) and the final user of the dashboard will interact with.
Event Triggers¶
When right-clicking on a widget, the widget context menu opens and one of the available options is Set events which allows setting an event on a widget. This option opens a submenu, containing the available triggers to activate the event. The available triggers vary according to the widget type. Users can select one of the triggers below:
onClick: if selected, the event is triggered when the user clicks on the widget.
onMouseEnter: if selected, the event is triggered when the user hovers with the mouse over the widget.
onMouseLeave: if selected, the event is triggered when the user hovers away from the widget with the mouse.
onFocus: if selected, the event is triggered when the user selects the widget.
onType: if selected, the event is triggered when the user selects or types one of the values of the widget.
onChange: if selected, the event is triggered when the user changes the current value on the widget.
Once the event has been configured, the active event icon appears on the top right side of the widget. When clicking on the active event icon, the list of active triggers is displayed and if users select on of the triggers the corresponding event window opens.
When defining an event linked to a button in a Toolbar widget, users need to right-click on the button and select Set action. For events linked to a button in a Toolbar users cannot choose the type of trigger, as events in a Toolbar are always triggered when clicking on the button.
Opening the Event Window¶
Once you have opened and selected a view which contains widgets onto the stage, you can set an event on a widget and open the corresponding event window by right-clicking on it, selecting the type of trigger in the Set events submenu through the widget context menu.
In the Standalone version, events are all opened in the same new window (called events window), adding new tabs on them.
In Cloud version or in the Server version, events are opened in a new browser tab or window.
Event tabs can at any moment be detached to obtain a new window containing the detached event window only.
More information on the Studio event window will be provided in the Studio Events Window page.
A View must have been created.
The selected View must contain widgets onto the stage.
Select a View by clicking on it from the Explorer.
If the View is empty, drop a new widget from the Widgets panel (located on the right of the stage window) onto the stage.
Right-click on the selected widget.
Hover over the Set events option to open the corresponding submenu.
Select one of the triggers available: a new window or a new tab, if the event window already exists, is opened.