Repository Resource

Rulex Platform embeds a complete version control system for all its primary resources. This version control system is based on Git and allows the user to version their data/model and start collaborative work.

To use a Git system, you first need to construct a repository connection to be able to store versioned information. Once the remote repository has been created and connected, the user is able to push / pull / revert / clone / merge etc…

See also

Complete reference about versioning of primary resources is available at this page.

This connection can be defined each time the initial versioning operation (add / clone / merge) is performed (in this case it’s a Custom connection) or as a Rulex Platform Resource, a Repository type (in this case it’s a Saved connection), to use later on when you need to start any versioning operation.

Once a versioned primary resource is created and added to the Explorer panel, the versioning connection is stored contextually in the resource itself. A Saved connection set as a Repository Resource can be interrogated in any subsequent versioning operation. At any time it is possible to change the repository connection through the versioned Primary Resource Context Menu.

In case the connection is stored in a Repository Resource, and the user can link to this resource a set of permissions (as explained in the permission panel) to limit/control the access other users have on the inserted connection.

To refer a Repository Resource in any panel a repository connection is required, the user must own the view permission on the resource itself, while modify permission is necessary to see its internal definition.


By creating a Repository Resource with view permissions for all but modify permissions for only administrator, you are exposing a connection without the need to communicate username and password used in the authentication procedure.

Repository connection configuration

Currently, Rulex Platform supports any Git repository distribution. Some examples are:

  • Azure DevOps repository

  • GitHub repository

  • BitBuckets repository

Configuration parameters are equal for all the distributions. Information needed is presented in next subsection.

General Git Repository

This connection permits Rulex Platform to connect to a Git repository reachable from the hosting machine or from the cloud/server.



API param key



The type of repository: only value git is accepted so far.



The url location of the Git repository.



The username used to authenticate towards the Git repository.



The password used to authenticate towards the Git repository.



The mail used in commit message to complete Git required author information.


Using a Repository

To create a Repository Resource, you need to open the Explorer panel (for more information refer to this page) and follow this:


  1. Click the Explore Resources icon to open the Explorer panel.

  2. Deactivate the primary resource filter by clicking on the Primary filter on the upper right side of the Explorer panel to add general resources.

  3. Hover over the Plus button.

  4. Select Add New Repository and a dedicated window will appear on the screen.

  5. Configure the various connection parameters following this guide. A test connection will be performed; if unsuccessful, the error returned is shown below with the possibility to continue anyway.

  6. Insert a unique name for the new resource.

  7. Click Create: the new Repository resource will now be added to the list.

Once the Repository resource is defined it can be referred as a Saved source in any subsequent versioning operation.

The most important Repository Saved connection operations are listed here

Of course in any of these operations, it is possible to directly define the connection, by inserting a Custom connection with the parameters of section above.

Repository GOLD Reference

Repository connections and base GIT operations are mediated in GOLD through the Version class: