Version 1.2.1-187¶
Released: 17 April 2024
Registry access slowed by antivirus: Antivirus on some machines slowed down the access to the Windows registry. A caching system has been set up to limit registry access only at the startup on Rulex Platform Desktop Windows Application (Linked issue: RP-3501)
[Factory] Workflow failing due to “unknown internal error” via in-memory computation: Presence of a bug on AddRow directly after Import in in-memory computations. (Linked issue: RP-3508, CS-2898)
FRT unexplained error message: Bug on FRT when rules on parametrization are present and no variables in the flow are set. (Linked issue: RP-3517, CS-2899)
Not able to delete/update Sensitive Code Variables: Presence of a bug in particular cases where empty sensitive variables were present. (Linked issue: RP-3520, CS-2904)
ANOW is Failing When Executing Flows in Factory: Fixed a bug which prevented computations in batch mode with process variables from working. (Linked issue: RP-3521, CS-2905)
Version 1.2.1-173¶
Released: 14 April 2024
Features added:
Add option minnomsize to (Conditional) Import From DB task: A new option minnomsize is added to standard and Conditional Import From DB tasks to force a minimum size for buffer adopted when loading any string variable with a SELECT query (Linked issue: RP-3494)
Not possible to copypaste info into the code variables pane: Now copy and paste variables’ values is possible also in cloud version (Linked issue: RP-3492, CS-2888)
Modifying the right hand size of a condition on a DATETIME attribute and pressing Enter erases the field: The Enter command was previously considered a shortcut for the clear operation. The behavior has been changed and now it is considered as a shortcut for the accept operation. (Linked issue: RP-3512)
Version 1.2.1-163¶
Released: 10 April 2024
[Factory] Syntax Error: syntax error, unexpected EOC in line \])..: Insertion of square brackets in query option during the conversion between Rulex 4 prcx and Rulex Platform rfl led to a not working GOLD code in case of a spurious carriage return at the end of the query. GOLD parser has been extended to treat this form. (Linked issue: RP-3386, CS-2832)
[Factory] Conditional Import is Stuck: The Option “checkdata” is not used in Rulex 4 in conditional import, so when importing a PRCX in Rulex Platform now this option is set to default to avoid a different behavior from Rulex 4. (Linked issue: RP-3482, CS-2876)
Rulex Platform - Invalid GOLD array creation for statistical function “std”: In std function columns were not cast automatically to continuous type if column range was used. This may lead to GOLD array managed error. Fixed by initially casting the whole set of selected columns to the type of their evaluated mean. (Linked issue: RP-3484, CS-2884)
Version 1.2.1-159¶
Released: 08 April 2024
Features changed:
License Manager Login update: License Manager login/status/logout has been updated and calls to share also Rulex Platform version and Rulex Platform desktop architecture with the server have been updated. (Linked issue: RP-3481)
Version 1.2.1-155¶
Released: 06 April 2024
Features added:
Added option to set bucket region in Amazon S3: Bucket region is now a new optional connection parameter for Amazon S3 (Linked issue: RP-3478)
ComputeWatcher logs too frequently: Removed redundant logs in flow computations started via API calls. (Linked issue: RP-3437)
[Factory] Wait Until Target File is Present Error: “Wait until file is present” was not triggered because of particular errors in Sharepoint. (Linked issue: RP-3457, CS-2877)
Version 1.2.1-144¶
Released: 30 March 2024
Issue in Rule Engine Task: If the name of the output attribute in a rule starts with “Rule_” at the end the attributes would not have appeared. (Linked issue: RP-3452)
Version 1.2.1-143¶
Released: 29 March 2024
Rulex Platform optimizer - deploying more then available: The maximum availability for sources that have different quantities for different destinations were overestimated by Network Optimizer task in some cases. (Linked issue: RP-3449, CS-2873)
Version 1.2.1-138¶
Released: 27 March 2024
Features added:
Import dataset in http upload: Added the possibility to save the response of a POST/PUT operation directly on the output dataset in the HTTP Server remote connection. (Linked issue: RP-3400)
Added option to modify INSERT: It is now possible to choose between a native INSERT query and a ODBC bulk execution (Linked issue: RP-3443)
Selection button greyed out in module after migrating from Rulex 4 to Rulex 5.: Selection button is no more greyed out in module tasks (Linked issue: RP-3391, CS-2836)
Scrolling down a dataset in a Data Manager changes the visualization: In a Datamanager with more than 10000 attributes, vertical scrolling led in some situations to an extra unwanted right scroll. (Linked issue: RP-3428)
Unknown Internal Error encountered: The presence of duplicates, which can lead to an unknown internal error, is avoided when converting types from CONTINUOUS to NOMINAL while importing an Excel file (Linked issue: RP-3432, CS-2843)
Version 1.2.1-130¶
Released: 23 March 2024
Rulex 5 dataman not showing history or data. All the rest show it, but that one does not. Not an issue in Rulex 4.: In some cases, utf-8 characters were not managed properly in the history description. (Linked issue: RP-3414, CS-2835)
Rulex Factory not filtering date/time correctly: Now if a date time query is modified from the corresponding panel and apply is clicked directly after the modification, the modification is saved (Linked issue: RP-3416, CS-2851)
Performance issue when loading to sql server: Introduced bulk execute instead of insert spec for SQLServer database export. (Linked issue: RP-3425, CS-2862)
Version 1.2.1-129¶
Released: 21 March 2024
Features added:
Added query timeout for Import From DB/Conditional Import tasks: It is now possible to set a timeout to limit the time a query can need to run (Linked issue: RP-3398)
Error Using “&” in Workflow Names in Factory: The computeflow command batch mode was giving unhandled errors when the name of the flow to be computed contained the ampersand (&) symbol. (Linked issue: RP-3396, CS-2844)
Flow execution parameter changed when flow is copied and pasted: Flow execution parameters are now copied when the resource of type flow is pasted (Linked issue: RP-3399)
Version 1.2.1-117¶
Released: 15 March 2024
[Factory] Excel Import has Different Data Type vs Rulex 4: Percentage colums are correctly detected even for some specific Excel formats (Linked issue: RP-3336, CS-2800)
[Rulex Factory] Plan schedule not executed workflow in memory source saving: The Plan Schedule, when building a command added extra quotes around extra parameters as in-memory source saving information, leading to a wrong constructed action. (Linked issue: RP-3337, CS-2818)
[Rulex Factory] Plan schedule unhandled error when manually delete trigger: Deletion of trigger from Windows Task Scheduler was not managed by Plan Schedule panel, which assumed that at least one trigger was always present. Now a fake trigger is constructed, equal to a one time computation with panel opening date time. (Linked issue: RP-3344, CS-2821)
Long operations with huge number of columns or history rows: Datamanager required a long time to show data if more than 10000 rows are present in the history. Moreover, the Data Manager edit cell operation lasted for several minutes on dataset with more than 10000 columns. Both operations have been speed up in new release. (Linked issue: RP-3351)
Impossible to move attributes in Attribute drop zone: From this version, it is possible to move attributes in an Attribute drop area by dragging and dropping the selected group of attributes on another chip. This operation will put the list of dragged chips before the destination chip. (Linked issue: RP-3352)
Rulex Platform Alerts not using variables: Alerts were calculated only at the beginning of the computation, ignoring changes of recipients due to runtime variables tasks. Now alert recipients are calculated runtime. (Linked issue: RP-3355, CS-2824)
[Factory] Data type difference Integer vs Continuous: Numbers with comma as thousand separator were imported as continuous values. Now they are imported as integer values. (Linked issue: RP-3357, CS-2825)
Set value in Binary not working in Data Manager: By executing a Set Value operation on an entire Binary column, a managed error was returned, since Binary column could not contain only one value. If the value inserted is True or False now the other value is automatically constructed. (Linked issue: RP-3363)
Freeze Datamanager after cancelling plot options and x options: In the Plots tab, if more than one option menu has been opened by right-clicking on the corresponding button, the cancellation of one of them prevented the user from clicking or interacting with the rest of the window. Issue is now solved by preventing to open at the same time more than one option menu. When a second option menu is opened, the CANCEL button is selected automatically on the first opened menu. (Linked issue: RP-3367)
Stat curve not working in Datamanager: When switching from an existing bar plot to a Roc Curve Plot and trying to fill the target input, the plot was not visible. (Linked issue: RP-3371)
Plot Formula Dialog shows Mean as default even if no aggregation function is defined: In the Formula dialog on the Plot attribute context menu, the value of Mean was shown as the default aggregation function. However, if apply was selected, a managed error was returned since no aggregation function was defined, instead. The panel has been corrected and now the None value is shown correctly once the panel is opened. Moreover, clicking Apply without changing the default results in a no-action operation as it should be. (Linked issue: RP-3372)
Adding attributes to Data Manager from header do not generate default name correctly: When inserting an attribute in the middle of the data grid, the Add Attribute Panel with the “as a block” option selected showed the default names incorrectly and in some cases with repetitions. (Linked issue: RP-3380)
Version 1.2.1-106¶
Released: 10 March 2024
Features added:
New Import Files Info Task: A new import task has been included in the lite license. It allows the user to interrogate a local or remote filesystem to have stat information about its files and folders. (Linked issue: RP-3260)
Add outfile response file for batch mode: Added command line parameter –outFile to allow to save batch command results in JSON format to a specified file. (Linked issue: RP-3328)
Features changed:
Optimized Amazon S3 tree explorer: The tree explorer for Amazon S3 is now optimized for buckets having a large number of keys. (Linked issue: RP-3335)
[Factory] Different DateTime Format in Excel: The datetime format has been changed back to Rulex 4 format (Linked issue: RP-3331, CS-2795)
Version 1.2.1-76¶
Released: 04 March 2024
License not recovered in case of disconnection: License caching does not work for the Electron main process if application is installed for all. Issue is now solved. (Linked issue: RP-2506)
Version 1.2.1-72¶
Released: 02 March 2024
Features added:
Added export of styles in Export to Excel task: The Export to Excel task now allows to export also the column styles and the conditional formatting. (Linked issue: RP-3171)
Make REST API “Content-Type” header coherent with response body content: The Content-Type header of the Rulex REST API responses was not coherent with the real content of the bodies of the responses themselves. (Linked issue: RP-2797)
[Factory] Red Icon on Alerts Tab: When loading parametrized alerts from a .prcx file into Rulex Platform there was a syntax error, which is now correctly handled. (Linked issue: RP-3283, CS-2760)
Rulex Factory Mass change not processing: Now changing an option in the remote connection tooltip and clicking on the confirm button activates the apply button. (Linked issue: RP-3285, CS-2762)
CatNames function is not recognized as member of the Dataset class: The function catNames is a method of Dataset class. If no attributes were used inside the formula, the method was not automatically recognized as a member of the underlying class. (Linked issue: RP-3288, CS-2759)
Task not update when compute whole process: Macro code referring to reset operations on tasks are converted in order to always perform the soft reset operation. (Linked issue: RP-3290, CS-2752)
Build and Solve returns missing field error: In the Build & Solve task, if a managed error occurred before the loading of the initial tasks, a wrong error message was returned. (Linked issue: RP-3291)
Mix linear program issue on RF workflow: In few cases, the MILP task converted some equality constraints into “greater than” constraints. Now, the type of each constraint is preserved at any time. (Linked issue: RP-3294, CS-2757)
[Rulex Platform] Exported data to MSSQL DB contains different value compared to the datamanager before export: Bug on floating-point number precision in DB INSERT operations (Linked issue: RP-3314, CS-2769)
Import from excel not work for whole folder with specified sheet: Bug on GUI management of sheet names in Import From Excel. (Linked issue: RP-3319, CS-2789)
Version 1.2.1-48¶
Released: 21 February 2024
[Factory] Showing a different value instead of date: The Import From Excel File task uncorrectly detected the type of date columns when firstline is greater than nameline. (Linked issue: RP-3265, CS-2742)
Not able to import R4 workflow to RF: Fixed an Issue when importing a prcx with process variables having None value for all variables. (Linked issue: RP-3271, CS-2747)
Bug on Binary management: An error was raised when converting to binary a nominal column with no values or just one value equal to “True“ or “False”. (Linked issue: RP-3274)
Version 1.2.1-42¶
Released: 17 February 2024
Issue with import tasks on Rulex platform: By clicking on SQL code and then clicking outside of it, the code is not deleted anymore. (Linked issue: RP-3241, CS-2731)
Slow startup: Rulex Platform startup might have required minutes on some laptops, due to the retrieval of the user group. The default has been changed to erase this retrieval. It can be restored by adding the key “addgroups” with value ‘true’ in the configuration.json. (Linked issue: RP-3259, RP-3209, CS-2695)
Version 1.2.1-27¶
Released: 11 February 2024
Legend is not added to a plot in case of multi-output for curve plot: Legend was not automatically added in case of multiple outputs on the curve plot. (Linked issue: RP-3216)
Bar Mode Type Combobox contains empty entry: The Bar Mode Type drop down menu in the Plot Type Option menu contained an empty entry, corresponding to the null value. This entry has been erased. (Linked issue: RP-3225)
Version 1.2.1-26¶
Released: 10 February 2024
Features added:
Development of Filemanager Task: This task allows you to create/delete/rename/copy/paste files and folders in your local file system or a remote connection. Moreover you can move files from a source to another one. (Linked issue: RP-2879)
Adopt Symphony library as a wrapper for Coin-Or linear optimizer: Symphony library has been added as a wrapper to Coin-Or linear optimizer (Linked issue: RP-2883)
New function breakLoop: Introduced the new function “breakLoop”, for breaking module loop execution based on binary conditions. (Linked issue: RP-2951)
Features changed:
Empty rows are not correctly managed when importing text files: Empty rows are now correctly managed when importing text files (Linked issue: RP-2865)
Network Optimizer - negative stock deployment & task hanging: In the Network Optimizer now the “Attribute for maximum quantity to move” option can be correctly set. (Linked issue: RP-3211, CS-2717)
WRT does not include in parametrized formulas including process variables: WRT recognized as parametrized only the options which were exactly equal to a process variable, and not variables included in formulas. (Linked issue: RP-3214)
[Factory] Connection Parameters no longer existing in factory logs: Restored sensitive log in Import from Database/Conditional Import tasks with connection parameters information. (Linked issue: RP-3220, CS-2722)
Unknown Internal Error encountered in Factory: A bug on alert of type “Task rows” set on a datamanager without history and an “Import From Task” importing from that datamanager led to an error. (Linked issue: RP-3221, CS-2713)