Null functions#

Null functions are all the functions which can be used in the Formula toolbar of the Data Manager without the definition of a Left term since they do not return any result.

Therefore, Left member of the Formula toolbar needs to be set to $null value to use these functions.

The following functions are available:


The breakLoop function conditionally stops the module iteration in a module loop.

To know more about modules, go to the corresponding page.






The condition which must be satisfied to make the function work. If it is true, and used inside a module, the loop computation stops. If it is true, but it is used outside the module, an error is raised.


The errorGold function checks whether a specific condition is true, and returns the error message and an error code.


errorGold(condition, message, code)




It is the condition which is evaluated. If true the provided error message is returned. The condition parameter is mandatory.


The error message to return if the condition is evaluated as true.The message parameter is mandatory.


The error code to return if the condition is evaluated as true. Default code is 9020.


Rulex Platform consider valid error code all the number between -10000 and 10000. Any number outside this range will decrease the error to a warning.

Example - errorGold(condition, message)

The following example uses a simple dataset we have created on our own, using an Empty Source task and filling the values randomly through a Data Manager task.

  • In this example, we want to return an error if the number of rows of the dataset is 0.

  • We type the following formula: errorGold(len(enum($"Var_0")) > 0,"No data present").

  • If the provided dataset has no row, an error is returned with code 9020.


The warningGold function checks whether a specific condition is true, and returns the warning message.


warningGold(condition, message)




It is the condition which is evaluated. If true the provided warning message is returned. The condition parameter is mandatory.


The warning message to return if the condition is evaluated as true.The message parameter is mandatory.

Example - warningGold(condition, message)

The following example uses a simple dataset we have created on our own, using an Empty Source task and filling the values randomly through a Data Manager task.

  • In this example, we want to return a warning if the number of rows of the dataset is 0.

  • We type the following formula: warningGold(len(enum($"Var_0")) > 0, "No data present").

  • If the provided dataset has no row, the warning message is presented.


The multiplyRows function repeat any row a number of times equal to the integer value contained in that row in the provided column.






The integer column used as a row multiplier factor. The condition parameter is mandatory.

Example - multiplyRows(multi)

The following example uses a simple dataset we have created on our own, using an Empty Source task and filling the values randomly through a Data Manager task with integer values.

  • We suppose for this example first column Var_0 is integer and filled in the first three rows with value 1,2,3

  • We type the following formula: multiplyRows($"Var_0").

  • After formula execution, the first line is left untouched, the second line has been doubled while the third line has become three times.