Version 1.1.1-252¶
Released: 03 October 2023
Features added:
Extract Query button in Import from Database and Conditional Import from Database tasks: A context menu has been added to the Import from Database and Conditional Import task interfaces with an Extract Query option to extract SELECT clauses equivalent to the list of selected tables. (Linked issue: RP-2693)
HTTP Connection: Header option graphical bug: In the HTTP Server connection panel, the Header table was not filled correctly even if the httpheader option was correctly set. (Linked issue: RP-2533)
Move animation when one closes a task: Closing a task tab in the standalone version by using the cross icon located on the tab header triggered the movement of the focus on the closing tab itself. Now the focus is not changed if a tab is closed. (Linked issue: RP-2662, RP-2669)
Malformed paths in Windows service computations: Fixed the escape syntax for commands launched from Windows Service, by introducing a –batchFile option in the Rulex Platform main executable. (Linked issue: RP-2665)
Disable compute button in task window when task is undefined: It was possible to compute a task not connected to the rest of the flow. Now if the task status is undefined, the compute button on the task toolbar is disabled. (Linked issue: RP-2671)
New results management: Results were not shown correctly in Results Tab if no Modeling sets structure was present. Now the issue has been solved and results without internal structure are visualized correctly. (Linked issue: RP-2679)
Wrong label in the SVM regression task: The label on top of the Attribute list in the SVM regression task was wrong. Label is now corrected on the GUI. (Linked issue: RP-2682)
Any loading indicator shows during Datamanager Export operation: When the Export button on Datamanager toolbar task is clicked, no loading panel showing the exportation progress is displayed. The issue has been solved by adding the loading indication during the export operation. (Linked issue: RP-2684)
Search manager check local value of variables and not environment: The search manager was always check for the local values of process variables, and ignore eventual environment variables. Now the check is performed accordly to the value of the local/environment option. (Linked issue: RP-2687)
Issue in SVM and Neural Network Monitor Tab: SVM and Neural Network Monitor tasks’ plots show wrong values in the minimum chart. Plots are now corrected and axis label are now visible. (Linked issue: RP-2689)
Help with REST API calls using JSON: If multiple elemets are present in a column set with option “_as_list” in name, all the object at the same level where exported as a list instead of single value, even if there were only one value. Now the bug has been corrected (Linked issue: RP-2691, CS-2414)
Changing any Execution parameter throws error: The prcx import operation prevented from changing the execution parameters of the imported flow, due to a bug in the import operations. The bug has been fixed by adding the possibility to change the execution parameters in the import operation. (Linked issue: RP-2694, CS-2425)
Rulex Platform Execution Parameters: The stop-policy has been changed in Imprort Prcx from “Stop Neighbours” to “Continue” to mantain the same behavior as in Rulex 4. The default stop policy for a flow now is “Continue”. (Linked issue: RP-2696, CS-2424)
Version 1.1.1-216¶
Released: 22 September 2023
Unexpected error in computing a datamanager history: Handled the removal of useless operations when saving history. (Linked issue: RP-2441)
HTTP Mail Server panel changed: In HTTP Mail Server username and password were required even when insecure authentication was selected. Username and Password are now hidden where they are not required. (Linked issue: RP-2612)
Conditional Import Not Working as Expected in Rulex Platform: Conditional import task had a bug when importing with conditions over date attributes. (Linked issue: RP-2643, CS-2392)
Feature Ranking task: internal server error when changing “Displayed Relevances”: Handled relevances in the Feature Ranking task for integer and continuous attributes. (Linked issue: RP-2648)
Graphical defect in selection Windows Authentication or Username/password in Database Configuration: Username/Password and Windows Authentication are parametrized with 0 and 1 codes to satisfy the backward compatibility with Rulex 4. This is a unicum in the whole Rulex Platform interface where drop-down menu entries are always strings. This led to graphical defects which forbade the user to switch again to Username/Password from Windows Authentication despite the use of the parametric option setting. (Linked issue: RP-2650)
Cannot edit/delete pre-filter conditions pasted from Rule Manager: After copying and pasting a condition from a Rule Manager in a Data Manager task’s query panel, there was a bug that didn’t allow the user to open the condition. (Linked issue: RP-2653)
User management bug: In Rulex Platform 1.1.1-206 there was a bug in user name management when a dot is present in the user name. Now the bug has been fixed and the user names are managed properly. (Linked issue: RP-2655, CS-2399)
Version 1.1.1-206¶
Released: 17 September 2023
Features added:
Log enhanced in connector: Introduced a new log tag “connectors” to enable verbose logging for internal http requests sent by the rulexconnector library (Linked issue: RP-2466)
Unknown internal error on Project Clustering: In specific cases of Project Clustering, when filtering was active, an unknown internal error was shown. (Linked issue: RP-2625)
Missing Plan Schedule entry in environment menu: It was not possible to plan a schedule in the environment menu. Now the operation is allowed via a dedicated entry. (Linked issue: RP-2636)
Bug on HTTP as Mail Server bodyschema: If the mail server was an http connection, there was a bug on correct sending of the bodyschema as a json. (Linked issue: RP-2638)
Cloud version: Internal Authentication Server first configuration corrections: The first configuration of the internal Authentication Server in Rulex Platform Cloud version didn’t take into consideration the previous incomplete setup. Now any external identity provider already present is overwritten during the first configuration. (Linked issue: RP-2642)
Version 1.1.1-185¶
Released: 09 September 2023
Features changed:
Addition of internal and external link connection to Images: Now the images can be configured as clickable objects redirecting to an external site or to another slide inside the same presentation. (Linked issue: RP-2614)
Split attribute does not work: The split operation does not work at GUI level if the attribute list is filtered by using the search operation. The issue has been fixed and the split attribute operation updates the attribute list correctly. (Linked issue: RP-2513)
Can’t visualize confusion matrix: Confusion Matrix task did not show any value if the windows was opened not as first task. Now Confusion matrix is shown correctly. (Linked issue: RP-2592)
Error when clicking on a bar: In the Standalone version, in case of warning of the external plot library, the system does not accept any modification of the inputs. (Linked issue: RP-2608)
Introduce sensitivity label in httpresponse file: Use of sensitivity labels added in response file created by export http if present. (Linked issue: RP-2613)
Version 1.1.1-165¶
Released: 06 September 2023
Issue when visualizing the Weights tab in the Neural Networks Classification task: The Weights tab was not resizing correctly in neural network classification task with the change of the window size. (Linked issue: RP-2556)
Pie color custom are not correctly handled: While using the plot color options menu it was impossible to change a single color in the pie plot. The option is now available and working properly. (Linked issue: RP-2558)
[RULEX PLATFORM] Python Unhandled Exception Error for LA Kodama WF: There was a concurrency issue on some cache files when multiple Rulex instances were being launched. Now this error has been managed inside the api. (Linked issue: RP-2565, CS-2368)
Difference between Rulex Platform vs Rulex 4: Reintroduced cast to continuous for cells in Excel file using scientific notation format. (Linked issue: RP-2567, RP-2530, CS-2349)
Error when selecting as module conversion policy “Options and Module”: Handled variables when converting modules from .prcx to .rfl in order to be able to retrieve remote files. (Linked issue: RP-2593, RP-2488, CS-2312)
Version 1.1.1-149¶
Released: 25 August 2023
Version performed to align unix and darwin OS to last feature and bugfixes ## Version 1.1.1-144
Released: 24 August 2023
Version performed to align unix and darwin OS to last feature and bugfixes ## Version 1.1.1-138
Released: 22 August 2023
License Search Manager Inherited Session: The Search Manager window did not inherit the session Id correctly for license probe from original window and therefore it was considered as a parallel session incorrectly. (Linked issue: RP-2517)
Version 1.1.1-131¶
Released: 17 August 2023
Features added:
Calendar Filter: A dedicated calendar filter has been added to properly set the date filtering option, affecting all the widgets present on the same dashboard. (Linked issue: RP-2351)
New Split Attribute Options: Two new options have been added to the split attribute ops: Decidetype, which controls if on the new columns the smart type recognition needs to be activated and Fillmiss, which controls if an empty entry needs to be inserted if a separator is repeated. (Linked issue: RP-2478)
Reshape to Wide new options: Two new options have been added to the Reshape to Wide task: a boolean checkbox to enable the smart type recognition on the newly created column, and A boolean checkbox to enable the filling of missing values with zeros. (Linked issue: RP-2481)
Add Documentation Shortcut on Task Window: The documentation of a single task can now be opened from the task window by clicking on the documentation icon on the toolbar. (Linked issue: RP-2484)
Features changed:
Sorting and filtering categories on plot: A dedicated context menu for plot in studio has been developed to allow filtering the categories shown in a bar/curve/scatter/heatmap plot with a nominal value on an axis. The same menu allows to establish a sorting criteria to order categories. (Linked issue: RP-2352)
Copy documentation task information when a task is copied/pasted: Modified Copy/Paste task procedure to copy also the documentation associated to task (Linked issue: RP-2482)
License Management in API: The API call had a license session lasting only 5 minutes. A status logic has been added to the api endpoint and a duration logic has been added to allow the user to increase the session duration for api call. (Linked issue: RP-2372, RP-2425)
Task Status not aligned with results: In a Data Manager task, which has been saved but hasn’t been computed, if the history has been modified (actions moved or deleted) and then new operations have been performed and stored on the Data Manager, the computation of the Data Manager led to a dataset which was not aligned with the history. Now the storing mode is automatically disabled for all the sessions where at least a modification of the history (move, delete) has been performed. (Linked issue: RP-2382)
Macro code records on Task window: Macros were not recorded correctly in the standalone version if the operation wasn’t performed on the main window. (Linked issue: RP-2444)
Query Nominal Condition - code optimization: In nominal condition over attributes with number of values >= 100, implemented the logic that if the number of the checked values is more than half, the operator is inverted (i.e. “in“ becomes “not in“) and also the list of values is inverted. (Linked issue: RP-2470)
Highlight of Results is not visible in some tasks: Result background highlight didn’t allow the user to see the selection correctly. This issue was due to a wrong order in the css classes controlling the background color style. The order has been inverted to allow the selection to override the result standard background. (Linked issue: RP-2476)
Version 1.1.1-106¶
Released: 09 August 2023
Fix stop computation started from REST API: Before this fix, the stop computation API call was not guaranteed to correctly stop an ongoing flow computation when it was launched from the desktop batch mode. This fix ensures that batch computations are correctly stopped. (Linked issue: RP-2448)
Version 1.1.1-83¶
Released: 05 August 2023
GUI name mismatch: Some elements of the GUI have been aligned with the internal Rulex Platform standard definition. The variables window where editing of variables can be performed is now called Variables Manager. The button on the toolbar containing the user and the platform configuration has now a description tooltip containing its name: User Settings. (Linked issue: RP-2422)
License Manager Hammering Issue: GUI management from Standalone Version in case of Hybernation of the hosting machine may lead to a wrong increase in the number of active connection through the Rulex License Manager. Issue solved. (Linked issue: RP-2443)
Version 1.1.1-41¶
Released: 25 July 2023
Features added:
Rule Engine Task and Build & Solve Task: Two new tasks have been added to the supported extra tasks list: Rule Engine, to manage heuristic rule mechanism, and Build & Solve, to automatically solve a rule optimization problem. Extra tasks are not automatically included in all licenses. (Linked issue: RP-2354)
Option Header in HTTP Mail Server case: The header option in http mail server connection did not allow to add a new header. (Linked issue: RP-2327)
Issue in About Panel from Task Window: If the About window was opened from a Task window instead of the Main Window, the focus was not correctly returned to the original window. (Linked issue: RP-2355)
Empty Line in Python/R Bridge blocks Console Evaluation: In Python/R Bridge if an empty line was inserted in the Console panel the whole panel remained stuck. (Linked issue: RP-2411)
Merge Flow/Merge View issue: During the merge flow/view operation in the remote version, the merging resource was deleted unexpectedly if there was an empty flow/view and a set conflict policy. (Linked issue: RP-2412)