Version 1.3.2-9¶
Released: 16 February 2025
Features added:
Introduce feature “Replace all” in Search Manager: Implemented a new functionality in the Search Manager which now allows to find and replace single or multiple values. (Linked issue: RP-4097)
Implemented extension of check for variables consinstecy to module flows: Implemented an extension to check the variables’ consinstecy in module flows. (Linked issue: RP-4489)
GOLD function textCount: Implemented a new datamanager function to count the number of occurrences of a provided string into a Datamanager nominal column. (Linked issue: RP-4543)
Move attribute feature improvement: Replaced the error message with warning when the target attribute is missing in “Move Attribute” operation in Data Manager. (Linked issue: RP-4401, CS-3488)
JsonExport - POST request no headers if the body is empty: Managed the case of missing body in http export and headers in the response are present. (Linked issue: RP-4420)
ELK Dashboard migration - Rulex4 - Modules used by WFs: Reintroduce some fields present in Rulex 4 logs (Linked issue: RP-4467, CS-3514)
Rulex is not receiving the same HTTP Server error message as API Testing software (Postman): Improved the content of debug file in http export including the server response. (Linked issue: RP-4477, CS-3532)
Restriction for creating recurrent connections for nodes doesn’t work anymore: Handled recurrent connection on stage when creating links between tasks (Linked issue: RP-4530, CS-3598)
Unknown internal error in Rule Engine: Managed “==” operator between array of different size. (Linked issue: RP-4533)
Small error in converting rules to dataset: Managed error when converting rules to dataset, in a continuous range case with 2 values. (Linked issue: RP-4542)