Platform Mail Server#

Rulex Platform supports different mail server configurations:

  • SMTP Server

  • SendGrid®

  • Mandrill®

  • MailGun®

  • HTTP Server

It is possible to import and export the mail settings files through two different buttons:

  • IMPORT MAIL SETTINGS: this button allows to import the mail settings file. This file must be a JSON encrypted file, previously exported from Rulex Platform mail settings through the EXPORT MAIL SETTINGS button. The import interface is the same as in the import tasks, for more information go to the corresponding page.

  • EXPORT MAIL SETTINGS: this button allows to export the mail settings file. This file will be a JSON encrypted file, which can be imported in Rulex Platform mail settings through the IMPORT MAIL SETTINGS button. The export interface is the same as in the export tasks, for more information go to the corresponding page.

SMTP Server#

An SMTP server, also known as an SMTP relay or mail server, is responsible for transmitting outgoing email messages from a sender’s email client to the recipient’s email server.

It is the simplest mail server configuration.

To properly configure an SMTP server you have to provide:

  • Server: the host name where the SMTP server is located.

  • Port: the port number where the SMTP server is located.

  • Auth: the type of authentication you want to use to connect to the SMTP server. Possible values are Plain or Login.

  • Username: the username used during the authentication procedure.

  • Password: the password used during the authentication procedure (Plain case only).

  • Sender: the sender name which is going to be present in all the mails sent.


SendGrid® is a cloud-based email delivery and management service that provides a reliable infrastructure for sending transactional and marketing emails.

To properly configure the connection to SendGrid® API’s you have to provide:

  • Username: the username registered in SendGrid® which is going to be used as the sending mail address.

  • Api Key: the api key built in SendGrid® platform and associated to the used username to properly authenticate to the cloud solution.

  • Sender: it is the sender name which is going to be present in all the mails sent.


Mandrill® was an email delivery and management service offered by Mailchimp, a popular marketing automation platform.

Mandrill® provides a reliable infrastructure for sending transactional emails, such as order confirmations, password resets, and notifications, as well as marketing emails.

To properly configure the connection to Mandrill® API’s you have to provide:

  • Username: the username registered in Mandrill® which is going to be used as the sending mail address.

  • Subaccount: the account registered on Mandrill® associated to the whole mail platform and used for billing purpose.

  • Api Key: the api key constructed in Mandrill® platform and associated to the used username to properly authenticate to the cloud solution.

  • Sender: it is the sender name which is going to be present in all the mails sent.


MailGun® is an email automation and delivery service that provides a powerful set of APIs for sending, receiving, and managing email.

To properly configure the connection to MailGun® API’s you have to provide:

  • Username: the username registered in MailGun® which is going to be used as the sending mail address.

  • Api Key: the api key constructed in MailGun® platform and associated to the used username to properly authenticate to the cloud solution.

  • Sender: it is the sender name which is going to be present in all the mails sent.

HTTP Server#

HTTP Server is to be intended as a general connector to any API exposing a cloud mail server. One possible example is Azure Logic App which could be configured to send mails triggered by an API call.

To properly configure this API call you have to provide:

  • Url: the URL used for this API call.

  • Auth: the authentication method used for this API call; possible values are Insecure, Basic Authentication, NTLM Authentication, Digest Authentication, OAuth2 Authentication.

  • Grant Type: the Oauth2 authentication grant type; possible values are Client credential with Basic Auth, Client credential with Body Auth, Client credential with signed JWT, Password Auth (only for Oauth2).

  • Authentication url: the Oauth2 authentication URL used to exchange username and password for a short-live authentication token (only for Oauth2).

  • Username: it is the username used during the authentication procedure.

  • Password/JWT Token: it is the password used during the authentication procedure.

  • Headers: a header table to define custom headers in our API call.

  • Body schema: this is the most important entry, since it contains the mail characteristics. Entry must be JSON and you can use several placeholders which are going to be substituted at runtime with the current export/alert recipient configuration. Possible placeholders are:

    • <recipients>: filled at runtime with the recipients list.

    • <cc/ccn>: filled at runtime with the cc/ccn list.

    • <subject>: filled with the mail subject.

    • <attachments>: list of base64 content of files which want to be sent as attachments to the final mail.

    • <body>: filled with the mail body.


✅ → Mandatory

☑️ → Optional

SMTP Server




HTTP Server



Sender (the name to be visualized when receiving the email)










API key


Authentication url (Oauth2 only)

Grant type (Oauth2 only)


Body JSON Schema