Convert Model to Dataset¶
The Convert Model to Dataset task generates a dataset containing all the details included in the model, such as the weights of a neural network or the coefficients of a linear regression. The resulting dataset can be viewed using a Data Manager or exported to an external item, such as a file or database table.
The Convert Model to Dataset task does not have any parameters or options to define - the only operation necessary for transforming the dataset is to compute the task. The sentence “No parameters need to be set for this task: just compute the task by right-clicking it and selecting Compute > Compute selected” will appear as opening the task.
After having imported the dataset with the proper structure through, for example, an Import from Text file task, add a Data Manager and link it to the Import from File text. Save and compute the task.
Drag a Split Data task onto the stage to randomly split the dataset into two subtests (test and training set; 30% test and 70% training) and connect it to the Data Manager. Save and compute the task.

Then, add a Neural Network Regression task onto the stage and link it to the Split Data task and configure it as explained in the Neural Network Regression page.
Add a Convert Model to Dataset task and link it to the NN task. As described in the section above, no further parameters need to be set for this task - all you need to do is compute the task.