REST API Reference Manual¶
Here you can find the whole list of exposed REST API calls.
REST API service is exposed only in Rulex Platform Cloud version.
In Standalone version please use the Rulex Platform Command Line Interface.
Using the general approach it is possible to map all these API calls in command line arguments.
Auth Token¶
Description: Provides the access bearer token. This request is compliant with the OAuth 2.0 standard.
POST /auth/token
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
body |
grant_type |
The authentication type used for obtaining the token. At the moment only the ‘client_credentials’ grant type is supported. Valid for both the Client ID & Secret and the Signed JWT authentication types. |
str |
body |
client_id |
The client ID of the REST API user to perform authentication. Valid for both the Client ID & Secret and the Signed JWT authentication types |
str |
body |
client_secret |
The REST API user’s client secret. Valid for the Client ID & Secret authentication. |
str |
body |
client_assertion |
The REST API user’s client assertion. Valid for the Signed JWT authentication. |
str |
body |
client_assertion_type |
The REST API user’s client assertion type. Only the following assertion type is currently supported: |
str |
body |
scope |
The scope of the request to obtain the Auth Token. If it is left empty, it refers to the internal API client. While if users want to use the scope, they can type it or simply type the word microsoft. Any other scope will not be valid. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request is:
"access_token": "<access_token>",
"expires_in": 600,
"refresh_expires_in": 1800,
"refresh_token": "<refresh_token>",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"id_token": "<id_token>",
"not-before-policy": 0,
"session_state": "14a918b4-0ad6-4329-afcc-077e119905ff",
"scope": "openid email profile"
Compute Flow¶
Description: Computes a flow, which is identified with the {rflId}.
POST /compute/compute/flow/{rflId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
querystring |
mode |
str |
querystring |
onetime |
Perform a one-time computation starting from a .rfl file or a flow version on a repository. It can be true or false (default). The imported file is automatically disambiguated from the other flows on the working area to permit infinite parallel computations of the same flow. Flow at the end can be deleted according to an ad-hoc compute params entry. |
bool |
path |
rflId |
The ID of the flow. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
body |
taskList |
The list of the tasks to be computed. |
str, or list for multiple tasks. |
body |
compute_params |
dict |
body |
import_params |
The import information used in case of one-time computation (ignored in all other cases). Dictionary composed by:
dict |
The syntax for the procvar parameter is the GOLD syntax, with specific rules whether the variable is ordinal or a string:
For all the variables: the
symbol is not required before them, the variable is written in .json format.For ordinal variables: numbers must be included into ". e.g.
For nominal variables: the string must be included into “, and it must be further included in ". e.g.
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "warning",
"code": -10500,
"data": {
"res": 1,
"errstr": "The following tasks have finished the computation with warnings:\ntextfile1 : The file <path> can not be located., most recent computation data have been used.",
"outputdata": "{\"uut\":{\"age\":[39,50,38,53,28,37,...],...}}",
"uncomputable": null,
"computechild": []
"desc": "Warning in operation compute.Computation: The following tasks have finished the computation with warnings:\ntextfile1 : The file <path> can not be located., most recent computation data have been used.",
"status_code": 230,
"progress": "100%",
"tasks": [
"name": "app1",
"status": "computed",
"progress": "100%"
"name": "llm1",
"status": "computed",
"progress": "100%"
"name": "split1",
"status": "computed",
"progress": "100%"
"name": "textfile1",
"status": "warning",
"progress": "100%"
"name": "uut",
"status": "computed",
"progress": "100%"
Create Database¶
Description: Creates a new database inside the environment identified by {envId}.
POST /resource/create/database/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment where the new environment will be created. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
body |
connectionInfo |
The parameters to connect to the database. It is a different dictionary for each type of database, please refer to database definition for key/value representation. |
dict |
querystring |
label |
The name of the new database. |
str |
body |
permissionList |
The permissions assigned to the new database. The parameters to specify are:
list |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": "979aff9f-a43c-4ea8-8b39-c0457587f93d",
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/Create/Database/c4ff0035-4a1b-4270-9821-66cc8b8cbf9e"
Create Environment¶
Description: Creates a new environment inside the environment identified by {envId}.
POST /resource/create/environment/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment where the new environment will be created. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
label |
The name of the new environment. |
str |
body |
permissionList |
The permissions assigned to the new environment. The parameters to specify are:
list |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"id": "eca9d0f8-21ea-4c7a-8b43-382d1df0f674"
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/Create/Environment/c4ff0035-4a1b-4270-9821-66cc8b8cbf9e"
Create Filesystem¶
Description: Creates a new filesystem in the environment, which is identified by the ID {envId}.
POST /resource/create/filesystem/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment where the new filesystem will be created. |
str |
body |
connectionInfo |
The parameters to connect to the filesystem. It is a different dictionary for each type of filesystem, please refer to filesystem definition for key/value representation. |
dict |
querystring |
label |
The name of the new filesystem. |
str |
body |
permissionList |
The permissions assigned to the new filesystem. The parameters to specify are:
list |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": "e2aea3b4-04c1-4164-b8dd-df2269da33c1",
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/Create/Filesystem/c4ff0035-4a1b-4270-9821-66cc8b8cbf9e"
Create Flow¶
Description: Creates a flow in the environment. The environment is identified by the {envId}.
POST /resource/create/flow/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment where the flow will be created. |
str |
querystring |
label |
The name of the flow to be created. |
str |
body |
permissionList |
The permissions assigned to the new flow. The parameters to specify are:
list |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"id": "de7d15aa-946d-4906-8250-2fb6ab75e2b9",
"label": "API_Flow"
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/Create/Flow/c4ff0035-4a1b-4270-9821-66cc8b8cbf9e"
Create Macro¶
Description: Creates a macro in the environment. The environment is identified by the {envId}.
POST /resource/create/macro/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment where the new macro will be created. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
body |
connectionInfo |
The parameters to define the macro. Please refer to macro definition for key/value representation. |
dict |
querystring |
label |
The name of the new macro. |
str |
body |
permissionList |
The permissions assigned to the new macro. The parameters to specify are:
list |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": "56c826aa-8066-4a82-b2a3-d965ea42c3bb",
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/Create/Macro/c4ff0035-4a1b-4270-9821-66cc8b8cbf9e"
Create Repository¶
Description: Creates a new repository in the environment, which is identified by the ID {envId}.
POST /resource/create/repository/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment where the new repository will be created. |
str |
body |
connectionInfo |
The parameters to connect to the repository. Please refer to repository definition for key/value representation. |
dict |
querystring |
label |
The name of the new filesystem. |
str |
body |
permissionList |
The permissions assigned to the new filesystem. The parameters to specify are:
list |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": "59e8474f-46cc-4563-9f13-3fae2a786e80",
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/Create/Repository/c4ff0035-4a1b-4270-9821-66cc8b8cbf9e"
Create Source¶
Description: Creates a new general resource in the environment identified with the ID {envId}.
POST /resource/create/source/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment where the new source will be created. |
str |
querystring |
srctype |
The type of the source to be created. Possible sources are:
str |
body |
connectionInfo |
The parameters to define the generic source. Definition of connection representation depends on the srctype value. Please refer to resources definition and pick the correct source type to obtain the correct key/value representation. |
dict |
querystring |
label |
The name of the new source. |
str |
body |
permissionList |
The permissions assigned to the new source. The parameters to specify are:
list |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": "0d11afdc-369b-45ca-b17a-8888edc06c7e",
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/Create/Source/c4ff0035-4a1b-4270-9821-66cc8b8cbf9e"
Create Environment Variable¶
Description: Creates a new environment variable in the environment identified by the ID {envId}.
POST /resource/create/varenv/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment where the new environment variable will be created. |
str |
body |
varname |
The name of the variable. |
str |
body |
vartype |
The type of the variable. It can be:
str |
body |
value |
The original value of the variable. |
str |
body |
issensitive |
A flag which indicates if the variable contains sensitive data (“1”) or not (“0”). |
int |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/Create/VarEnv/c4ff0035-4a1b-4270-9821-66cc8b8cbf9e"
Create Vault¶
Description: Creates a vault in the environment. The environment is identified by the {envId}.
POST /resource/create/vault/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment where the vault will be created. |
str |
body |
connectionInfo |
The parameters to define the vault. It is a different dictionary for each type of vault, please refer to vault definition for key/value representation. |
dict |
querystring |
label |
The name of the new vault. |
str |
body |
permissionList |
The permissions assigned to the new vault. The parameters to specify are:
list |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": "987c549a-9379-4eb7-9904-8776c5d554eb",
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/Create/Vault/c4ff0035-4a1b-4270-9821-66cc8b8cbf9e"
Delete Database¶
Description: Deletes the database(s) identified with the ID(s) sourceIds.
POST resource/delete/database
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
querystring |
sourceIds |
The Id(s) of the database(s) to delete. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str, or |
body |
sourceLabels |
The name(s) of the database(s) to delete. |
str, or |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"progress": "100%"
Delete Environment¶
Description: Deletes the environment(s) identified with the ID(s) envIds.
POST /resource/delete/environment
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
querystring |
envIds |
The id(s) of the environment(s) to delete. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str, or |
body |
envLabels |
The name(s) of the environment(s) to delete. |
str, or |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"progress": "100%"
Delete Environment Variable¶
Description: Deletes one or more environment variables in the environment identified with the ID {envId}.
GET /resource/delete/varenv/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The id of the environment where you want to delete the environment variable. To find out more on how to retrieve the ID, go to the Get Resource ID page. |
str |
body |
varname |
The name of the variables to delete. |
str, or |
body |
vartype |
The type of the variables to be deleted. |
str, or |
querystring |
alsocurr |
If |
bool |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/Delete/VarEnv/c4ff0035-4a1b-4270-9821-66cc8b8cbf9e"
Delete Filesystem¶
Description: Deletes the filesystem(s) identified with the ID(s) sourceId.
POST /resource/delete/filesystem
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
querystring |
sourceIds |
The id(s) of the filesystem(s) to delete. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str, or |
body |
sourceLabels |
The name(s) of the filesystem(s) to delete. |
str, or |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"progress": "100%"
Delete Flow¶
Description: Deletes the flow(s), identified with the ID(s) flowIds.
POST /resource/delete/flow
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
querystring |
flowIds |
The id(s) of the flow(s) to delete. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str, or |
body |
flowLabels |
The name(s) of the flow(s) to delete. |
str, or |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"progress": "100%"
Delete Macro¶
Description: Deletes the macro(s) identified with the ID sourceIds.
POST /resource/delete/macro
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
querystring |
sourceIds |
The id of the macro(s) you want to delete. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str, or |
body |
sourceLabels |
The name(s) of the macro(s) to delete. |
str, or |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"progress": "100%"
Delete Repository¶
Description: Deletes the repository(s), identified with the ID(s) sourceIds.
POST /resource/delete/repository
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
querystring |
sourceIds |
The id(s) of the repository to delete. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str, or |
body |
sourceLabels |
The name(s) of the repositories to delete. |
str, or |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"progress": "100%"
Delete Source¶
Description: Deletes a general resource identified with the ID(s) sourceId.
POST /resource/delete/source
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
querystring |
sourceIds |
The id(s) of the resource(s) to delete. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str, or |
querystring |
srctype |
The type of the source to be created. Possible sources are:
str |
body |
sourceLabels |
The name(s) of the resource(s) to delete. |
str, or |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"progress": "100%"
Delete Vault¶
Description: Deletes the vault(s) identified with the ID(s) sourceIds.
POST /resource/delete/vault
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
querystring |
sourceIds |
The ID(s) of the vault(s) you want to delete. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str, or |
body |
sourceLabels |
The name(s) of the vault(s) to delete. |
str, or |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"progress": "100%"
Delete Resources¶
Description: Deletes the resources of various types identified with the IDs provided in the resDict parameter.
POST /resource/delete/resources
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
body |
resDict |
and as value another dictionary with id and label list entries. these lists contain IDs and labels of the resources we want to delete for the particular considered resource type. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. Note label dictionary entry is only used for Progress communication. It may not match the actual name of the deleted resource. Example request body: {
"resDict": {
"filesystem" : {
"id": ["0d11afdc-369b-45ca-b17a-8888edc06c7e", "ff9ee464-64e7-4a68-bd2c-b3340da9feb3"],
"label": ["APIFilesystem", "APISource"]
"flow" : {
"id": ["0d11afdc-3667-45ca-b17a-8867edc06c7e"],
"label": ["FlowTest"]
dict |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"progress": "100%"
Export Flow¶
Description: Exports one or more flows, identified with the IDs {flowIds}, to a generic filesystem, which can be your local filesystem or a remote one.
POST /resource/export/flow
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
body |
flowIds |
The ID(s) of the flow(s) to be exported. |
str, or |
body |
params |
dict |
body |
flowLabels |
The labels of the flows to be exported. Used only for progress purposes. |
list |
body |
diz_export |
The parameters regarding the export mode. Their value can be True (default value) or False. The export mode parameters available are: “topology”: if |
dict |
querystring |
source_refs |
If |
bool |
querystring |
addsuffix |
If |
bool |
querystring |
addprefix |
If |
bool |
querystring |
addtag |
If |
bool |
querystring |
taskList |
The list of the tasks to be exported. |
str, or |
querystring |
newnames |
The new names to be assigned to the exported flows. |
str, or |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"file_url": [
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"progress": "100%"
Export Source¶
Description: Exports one or more resources of type srctype
, identified with the IDs srcIds
, to a generic filesystem, which can be your local filesystem or a remote one.
POST /resource/export/source
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
body |
srctype |
list |
body |
srcIds |
The ID(s) of the resource(s) to be exported. |
list |
body |
params |
dict |
body |
srcLabels |
The labels of the resources to be exported. Used only for progress purposes. |
list |
querystring |
addsuffix |
If |
bool |
querystring |
addprefix |
If |
bool |
querystring |
newnames |
The new names to be assigned to the exported resources. |
str, or |
querystring |
onlyElement |
If |
bool |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"file_url": []
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"progress": "100%"
Export Environment¶
Description: Exports one or more environments, identified with the IDs envIds
, to a generic filesystem, which can be your local filesystem or a remote one.
POST /resource/export/environment
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
body |
envIds |
The ID(s) of the environments(s) to be exported. |
list |
body |
params |
dict |
body |
envLabels |
The labels of the environments to be exported. Used only for progress purposes. |
list |
querystring |
addsuffix |
If |
bool |
querystring |
addprefix |
If |
bool |
querystring |
newnames |
The new names to be assigned to the exported environments. |
str, or |
querystring |
onlyElement |
If |
bool |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"file_url": []
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"progress": "100%"
Get File¶
Description: Downloads a file after an export operation performed on a local filesystem. The path parameter {fileId}
can be a single ID or the concatenation of multiple IDs, separated by a ‘/’.
The ID is returned by the previous export operation. See Export Flow for details.
GET /get/file/{fileId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
fileId |
The id of the filesystem where you want to save the file. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
The response is the downloaded file returned as a body in a Content-Disposition:attachments
Get Resource ID¶
Description: Returns the ID of the resource identified with the path {resourcePath}
and the type {resourceType}
GET /resource/get/ResourceId
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
querystring |
resourcePath |
The path of the resource. |
str |
querystring |
resourceType |
The type of the source whose ID will be retrieved. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": "c4ff0035-4a1b-4270-9821-66cc8b8cbf9e",
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/Get/ResourceId"
Get Resource Path¶
Description: Returns the path of the resource identified with the ID {resourceID}
GET /resource/get/resourcepath
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
querystring |
resourceId |
The ID of the considered resource. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
onlyEnv |
if |
bool |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": [
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/Get/ResourcePath"
Get Result¶
Description: Gets the result of the request identified with the ID {reqId}
The results of the request will be kept for two days, after which they will be deleted.
GET /get/result/{reqId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
reqId |
The id of the request. See API Structure for further details on how to set or retrieve API unique request ID. |
str |
The responses are the same responses listed in all the other calls, according to the async call executed.
Import Flow¶
Description: Imports one or more flows from a specified source, placing them in the environment identified with the ID {envId}.
POST /resource/import/flow/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
querystring |
origin |
The source where the flow to import is located. Possible values are __local__, __filesystem__, __repo__. |
str |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment where the flows will be imported. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
body |
params |
A dictionary describing the parameters of the import. Possible entries are:
dict |
querystring |
incurr |
If |
bool |
querystring |
label |
The new name of the imported flow. |
str |
querystring |
inmemory |
If |
bool |
body |
permissionList |
The permissions assigned to the new flow. The parameters to specify are:
dict or list |
querystring |
withprogress |
If |
bool |
querystring |
convertmodule |
The selected module conversion policy. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"label": "apiAdult",
"timestamp": "2024-03-02 03:51:18",
"lock": null,
"info": {
"created_on": "2021-12-01, 19:44:24,369",
"last_modified": "2024-03-02 03:51:18",
"last_modified_user": null
"exec_params": null,
"id": "7c586303-0866-43be-8289-75ce624df356",
"isversioned": false,
"isversioneddirty": false,
"status": null,
"modules": [],
"hasissens": {
"code": [
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"progress": "100%"
Import Source¶
Description: Imports one or more general resource from a specified source, placing them in the environment identified with the ID {envId}.
POST /resource/import/source/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
querystring |
origin |
The source where the flow to import is located. Possible values are __local__, __filesystem__. |
str |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment where the flows will be imported. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
body |
params |
A dictionary describing the parameters of the import. Possible entries are:
dict |
querystring |
restype |
The resource type used to show a customized progress message |
string |
querystring |
label |
The new name of the imported flow. |
str |
body |
permissionList |
The permissions assigned to the new flow. The parameters to specify are:
dict or list |
querystring |
withprogress |
If |
bool |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
Import Environment¶
Description: Imports one or more environments from a specified source, placing them in the environment identified with the ID {envId}.
POST /resource/import/environment/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
querystring |
origin |
The source where the flow to import is located. Possible values are __local__, __filesystem__. |
str |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment where the flows will be imported. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
body |
params |
A dictionary describing the parameters of the import. Possible entries are:
dict |
querystring |
label |
The new name of the imported flow. |
str |
body |
permissionList |
The permissions assigned to the new flow. The parameters to specify are:
dict or list |
querystring |
withprogress |
If |
bool |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
List Start Resources¶
Description: Lists all the resources in the last seen environment for the current user.
GET /resource/list/startresources
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
querystring |
resourceTypes |
The resource types to be considered in the list operation. |
str, or |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"resources": {},
"n_resources": 0,
"create": true,
"folder": {
"id": "55e6e7f4-7bfc-4726-b506-afe61893d701",
"name": "Env_postman"
"path": {
"id": [
"name": [
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/List/StartResources"
List Database¶
Description: Lists the databases in the parent environment identified with the ID {envId}.
GET /resource/list/database/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment from which you want to retrieve the list of databases. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"resources": {
"e919d82d-2e10-4753-ae1b-610190ec873c": {
"type": "database",
"name": "APIPostgres",
"isversioned": false,
"islocked": false
"n_resources": 1,
"folder": {
"id": "d4c60ad0-1a2b-4d29-875f-c56108e1ecd7",
"name": "Env_cm"
"path": {
"id": [
"name": [
"create": true
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/List/Database/d4c60ad0-1a2b-4d29-875f-c56108e1ecd7"
List Environment¶
Description: Lists the environments contained in the parent environment identified with the ID {envId}.
GET /resource/list/environment/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the parent environment from which you want to retrieve the list of environments. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"resources": {
"10b2dee9-b282-4cb7-bcd4-e255e6ff1e90": {
"type": "environment",
"name": "AP_Env_new",
"isversioned": false,
"islocked": false
"n_resources": 1,
"folder": {
"id": "d4c60ad0-1a2b-4d29-875f-c56108e1ecd7",
"name": "Env_cm"
"path": {
"id": [
"name": [
"create": true
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/List/Environment/d4c60ad0-1a2b-4d29-875f-c56108e1ecd7"
List Filesystem¶
Description: Lists the filesystem(s) contained in the parent environment, which is identified with the ID {envId}.
GET /resource/list/filesystem/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the parent environment from which you want to retrieve the list of filesystems. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"resources": {},
"n_resources": 0,
"folder": {
"id": "d4c60ad0-1a2b-4d29-875f-c56108e1ecd7",
"name": "Env_cm"
"path": {
"id": [
"name": [
"create": true
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/List/Filesystem/d4c60ad0-1a2b-4d29-875f-c56108e1ecd7"
List Flow¶
Description: Lists the flows in the parent environment identified with the ID {envId}.
GET /resource/list/flow/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment from which you want to retrieve the list of flows. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"resources": {
"82620cac-4bdf-4f1d-af9a-cf38a83c684a": {
"type": "flow",
"name": "API_Flow",
"isversioned": false,
"islocked": false,
"isversioneddirty": false
"7c586303-0866-43be-8289-75ce624df356": {
"type": "flow",
"name": "apiAdult",
"isversioned": false,
"islocked": false,
"isversioneddirty": false
"n_resources": 2,
"folder": {
"id": "d4c60ad0-1a2b-4d29-875f-c56108e1ecd7",
"name": "Env_cm"
"path": {
"id": [
"name": [
"create": true
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/List/Flow/d4c60ad0-1a2b-4d29-875f-c56108e1ecd7"
List Macro¶
Description: Lists the macros in the parent environment identified with the ID {envId}.
GET /resource/list/macro/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment from which you want to retrieve the list of macros. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"resources": {
"f38c841d-98e0-4329-8863-3710dd82ef4e": {
"type": "macro",
"name": "APIMacro_new",
"isversioned": false,
"islocked": false
"n_resources": 1,
"folder": {
"id": "d4c60ad0-1a2b-4d29-875f-c56108e1ecd7",
"name": "Env_cm"
"path": {
"id": [
"name": [
"create": true
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/List/Macro/d4c60ad0-1a2b-4d29-875f-c56108e1ecd7"
List Environment Variables¶
Description: Lists the environment variables in the parent environment identified with the ID {envId}.
GET /resource/list/varenv/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment from which you want to retrieve the list of environment variables. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"code": [
"name": "testenvvar",
"value": "\"test\"",
"issensitive": 0
"vault": []
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/List/VarEnv/d4c60ad0-1a2b-4d29-875f-c56108e1ecd7"
List Repository¶
Description: Lists the repositories in the parent environment identified with the ID {envId}.
GET /resource/list/repository/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment from which you want to retrieve the list of vaults. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"resources": {
"72fb12ad-ac40-4bee-9e42-666b70eafda6": {
"type": "repository",
"name": "APIRepository_new",
"isversioned": false,
"islocked": false
"n_resources": 1,
"folder": {
"id": "d4c60ad0-1a2b-4d29-875f-c56108e1ecd7",
"name": "Env_cm"
"path": {
"id": [
"name": [
"create": true
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/List/Repository/d4c60ad0-1a2b-4d29-875f-c56108e1ecd7"
List Vault¶
Description: Lists the vaults in the parent environment identified with the ID {envId}.
GET /resource/list/vault/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment from which you want to retrieve the list of vaults. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"resources": {
"34c39c82-5629-4795-b997-72b9f554884e": {
"type": "vault",
"name": "APIVault_new",
"isversioned": false,
"islocked": false
"n_resources": 1,
"folder": {
"id": "d4c60ad0-1a2b-4d29-875f-c56108e1ecd7",
"name": "Env_cm"
"path": {
"id": [
"name": [
"create": true
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/List/Vault/d4c60ad0-1a2b-4d29-875f-c56108e1ecd7"
Rename Database¶
Description: Renames the database identified with the ID {sourceId}.
POST /resource/rename/database/{sourceId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
sourceId |
The ID of the database to be renamed. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
newlabel |
The new name for the resource. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/Rename/Database/48770ac5-1bb9-4d93-9c7f-41b904cef395"
Rename Environment¶
Description: Renames the environment identified with the ID {envId}.
POST /resource/rename/environment/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment to be renamed. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
newlabel |
The new name for the resource. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/Rename/Environment/10b2dee9-b282-4cb7-bcd4-e255e6ff1e90"
Rename Filesystem¶
Description: Renames the filesystem identified with the ID {sourceId}.
POST /resource/rename/filesystem/{sourceId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
sourceId |
The ID of the filesystem to be renamed. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
newlabel |
The new name for the resource. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/Rename/Database/48770ac5-1bb9-4d93-9c7f-41b904cef395"
Rename Flow¶
Description: Renames the flow identified with the ID {rflId}.
POST /resource/rename/flow/{rflId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
rflId |
The ID of the flow to be renamed. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
newlabel |
The new name for the resource. |
str |
body |
isSelected |
If |
bool |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/Rename/Database/82620cac-4bdf-4f1d-af9a-cf38a83c684a"
Rename Macro¶
Description: Renames the macro identified with the ID {sourceId}.
POST /resource/rename/macro/{sourceId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
sourceId |
The ID of the macro to be renamed. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
newlabel |
The new name for the resource. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/Rename/Database/f38c841d-98e0-4329-8863-3710dd82ef4e"
Rename Repository¶
Description: Renames the repository identified with the ID {sourceId}.
POST /resource/rename/repository/{sourceId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
sourceId |
The ID of the repository to be renamed. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
newlabel |
The new name for the resource. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/Rename/Repository/72fb12ad-ac40-4bee-9e42-666b70eafda6"
Rename Environment Variable¶
Description: Renames the environment variable identified with the ID {envId},
POST /resource/rename/varenv/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment variable to be renamed. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
body |
vartype |
The variable type. It can be ‘code’ or ‘vault’. |
str |
body |
oldname |
The old name of the variable. |
str |
body |
newname |
The new name of the variable. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/Rename/VarEnv/d4c60ad0-1a2b-4d29-875f-c56108e1ecd7"
List Environment Variable¶
Description: List the environment variables contained in the environment with the ID {envId},
GET /resource/list/varenv/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment variable to be renamed. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"code": [
"name": "testenvvar_new",
"value": "\"topolino\"",
"issensitive": 0
"name": "testenvvar3",
"value": "\"pippo\"",
"issensitive": 0
"vault": []
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/List/VarEnv/2a71c414-8e0b-42e6-80ff-49e8dce6c8a5"
Rename Vault¶
Description: Renames the vault identified with the ID {sourceId}.
POST /resource/rename/vault/{sourceId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
sourceId |
The ID of the vault to be renamed. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
newlabel |
The new name for the resource. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/Rename/Vault/34c39c82-5629-4795-b997-72b9f554884e"
Stop Computation¶
Description: Ends the computation of the flow identified with the ID {rflId}.
POST /compute/stop/computation/{rflId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
rflId |
The ID of the flow which is computing. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed"
"code": 0
"data": {}
"desc": ""
"status_code": 200
"topic": "compute/Stop/Computation/543a4e15-cedb-47b3-8c75-ea884e1a5ae8"
Create Task¶
Description: Create a task inside a flow referenced by its flowID
POST /session/create/task/{flowId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
flowId |
The ID of the flow to be modified. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
name |
The name of the added task. |
str |
querystring |
category |
The category of the task. See this section for further details. |
str |
body |
position |
The coordinates (x,y,z) of the newly created task. It is a dictionary with keys ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’ and float values. |
dict |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": "cd42059a-fa27-4115-9613-6ce0d244804f",
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "session/Create/Task/2baa9aaa-30a1-4e27-a542-e751652a264f"
Set Environment Variable¶
Description: Create a new environment variable or update an existing environment variable in the environment identified with the ID {envId}.
POST /resource/set/varenv/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the environment which contains the variable to be updated. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
body |
varname |
The name of the variable. |
str, or |
body |
vartype |
The type of the variable. It can be ‘code’ or ‘vault’. |
str, or |
body |
value |
The value of the variable. In case of update of existing variable it could be omitted to maintain the precedent value. |
str, or |
body |
issensitive |
A boolean to state if the variable is sensitive or not. In case of update of existing variable it could be omitted to maintain the precedent value. |
str, or |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "resource/Set/VarEnv/2a71c414-8e0b-42e6-80ff-49e8dce6c8a5"
Delete Variable¶
Description:Delete a flow variable in the flow identified with the ID {flowId}.
POST /session/delete/variable/{flowId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
flowId |
The ID of the flow we want to modify. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
body |
varname |
The name of the variable. |
str, or |
body |
vartype |
The type of the variable. It can be ‘code’ or ‘vault’. |
str, or |
querystring |
force |
Perform the operation forced, regardless its usage in the flow |
bool. |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "session/Delete/Variable/4c0e6962-8e35-4060-bbc1-aa1ee5b42846"
Rename Variable¶
Description: Rename a flow variable in the flow identified with the ID {flowId}.
POST /session/rename/variable/{flowId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
flowId |
The ID of the flow we want to modify. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
body |
vartype |
The type of the variable. It can be ‘code’ or ‘vault’. |
str, or |
body |
oldname |
The original name of the variable. |
str, or |
body |
newname |
The new name of the variable. |
str, or |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "session/Rename/Variable/4c0e6962-8e35-4060-bbc1-aa1ee5b42846"
List Variables¶
Description: List the flow variables in the flow identified with the ID {flowId}.
POST /session/list/variables/{flowId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
flowId |
The ID of the flow we want to modify. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"code": {
"testenvvar3": {
"value": "\"pippo\"",
"issensitive": 0,
"local": 0
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "session/List/Variables/4c0e6962-8e35-4060-bbc1-aa1ee5b42846"
Set Variable¶
Description: Create a new flow variable or update an existing flow variable in the flow identified with the ID {flowId}.
POST /session/set/variable/{flowId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
flowId |
The ID of the flow we want to modify. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
body |
varname |
The name of the variable. |
str, or |
body |
vartype |
The type of the variable. It can be ‘code’ or ‘vault’. |
str, or |
body |
value |
The value of the variable. In case of update of existing variable it could be omitted to maintain the precedent value. |
str, or |
body |
issensitive |
A boolean to state if the variable is sensitive or not. In case of update of existing variable it could be omitted to maintain the precedent value. |
str, or |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "session/Set/Variable/4c0e6962-8e35-4060-bbc1-aa1ee5b42846"
Create Link¶
Description: Create a link inside a flow referenced by its flowID
POST /session/create/link/{flowId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
flowId |
The ID of the flow to be modified. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
body |
parent |
List of parent tasks in link creation. |
list |
body |
child |
List of child tasks in link creation. |
list |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"adult": 2,
"adultdata": 2
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "session/Create/Link/4c0e6962-8e35-4060-bbc1-aa1ee5b42846"
Create Task Linked¶
Description: Create a task inside a flow referenced by its flowID
automatically connected to a provided list of parent tasks.
POST /session/create/tasklinked/{flowId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
flowId |
The ID of the flow to be modified. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
name |
The name of the added task. |
str |
querystring |
category |
The category of the task. See this section for further details. |
str |
body |
position |
The coordinates (x,y,z) of the newly created task. It is a dictionary with keys ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’ and float values. |
dict |
body |
parents |
The list of task which are going to be connected to the newly created task. |
list |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"topology": {
"parents": {
"child": [
"children": {
"child": []
"tasks": {
"child": {
"category": "datamanager",
"id": "d7404fda-8b58-4e71-995b-5f9329231d93",
"status": 2,
"progress": 0,
"priority": 0,
"loc": "100 100",
"zOrder": "1"
"graphics": null,
"events": {}
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "session/Create/TaskLinked/4c0e6962-8e35-4060-bbc1-aa1ee5b42846"
Delete Task¶
Description: Delete a task inside a flow referenced by its flowID
POST /session/delete/task/{flowId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
flowId |
The ID of the flow to be modified. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
task |
The name of the task to be deleted. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "session/Delete/Task/4c0e6962-8e35-4060-bbc1-aa1ee5b42846"
Delete Link¶
Description: Delete a link inside a flow referenced by its flowID
POST /session/delete/link/{flowId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
flowId |
The ID of the flow to be modified. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
parent |
Parent of the link to be erased. |
str |
querystring |
child |
Child of the link to be erased. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "session/Delete/Link/4c0e6962-8e35-4060-bbc1-aa1ee5b42846"
Delete Multi Objects¶
Description: Delete a set of objects (tasks, links or widgets) from a flow stage referenced by its flowID
POST /session/delete/multiobjects/{flowId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
flowId |
The ID of the flow to be modified. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
body |
link |
A dictionary containing the keys |
dict |
body |
task |
A dictionary with a unique key |
dict |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"progress": "100%"
Rename Task¶
Description: Rename a task inside a flow referenced by its flowID
POST /session/rename/task/{flowId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
flowId |
The ID of the flow to be modified. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
oldname |
The original name of the task. |
str |
querystring |
newname |
The new name of the task. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "session/Rename/Task/4c0e6962-8e35-4060-bbc1-aa1ee5b42846"
Copy Database¶
Description: Copy a database from the environment pointed by {envId}
to a potentially different environment indicated by {{destenv_Id}}
POST /resource/copy/database/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the source environment where the environment will be taken. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
id |
The list of ids of the database to be copied. |
list |
querystring |
label |
The list of names of the database affected by the modification occurred. |
list |
querystring |
cut |
If yes, the original resource will be erased at the end of the transition. |
str |
body |
permissionList |
The permissions assigned to the new database. The parameters to specify are:
dict |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"progress": "100%"
Copy Filesystem¶
Description: Copy a filesystem from the environment pointed by {envId}
to a potentially different environment indicated by {{destenv_Id}}
POST /resource/copy/filesystem/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the source environment where the environment will be taken. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
id |
The list of ids of the filesystem to be copied. |
list |
querystring |
label |
The list of names of the filesystem affected by the modification occurred. |
list |
querystring |
cut |
If yes, the original resource will be erased at the end of the transition. |
str |
body |
permissionList |
The permissions assigned to the new filesystem. The parameters to specify are:
dict |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"progress": "100%"
Copy Macro¶
Description: Copy a macro from the environment pointed by {envId}
to a potentially different environment indicated by {{destenv_Id}}
POST /resource/copy/macro/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the source environment where the environment will be taken. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
id |
The list of ids of the macro to be copied. |
list |
querystring |
label |
The list of names of the macro affected by the modification occurred. |
list |
querystring |
cut |
If yes, the original resource will be erased at the end of the transition. |
str |
body |
permissionList |
The permissions assigned to the new macro. The parameters to specify are:
dict |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"progress": "100%"
Copy Vault¶
Description: Copy a vault from the environment pointed by {envId}
to a potentially different environment indicated by {{destenv_Id}}
POST /resource/copy/vault/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the source environment where the environment will be taken. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
id |
The list of ids of the vault to be copied. |
list |
querystring |
label |
The list of names of the vault affected by the modification occurred. |
list |
querystring |
cut |
If yes, the original resource will be erased at the end of the transition. |
str |
body |
permissionList |
The permissions assigned to the new vault. The parameters to specify are:
dict |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"progress": "100%"
Copy Repository¶
Description: Copy a repository from the environment pointed by {envId}
to a potentially different environment indicated by {{destenv_Id}}
POST /resource/copy/repository/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the source environment where the environment will be taken. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
id |
The list of ids of the repository to be copied. |
list |
querystring |
label |
The list of names of the repository affected by the modification occurred. |
list |
querystring |
cut |
If yes, the original resource will be erased at the end of the transition. |
str |
body |
permissionList |
The permissions assigned to the new repository. The parameters to specify are:
dict |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"progress": "100%"
Copy Resources¶
Description: Copy the resources of various types identified with the IDs provided in the resDict parameter.
POST /resource/copy/resources
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
body |
resDict |
and as value another dictionary with id and label list entries. these lists contain IDs and labels of the resources we want to delete for the particular considered resource type. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. Note label dictionary entry is only used for Progress communication. It may not match the actual name of the deleted resource. Example request body: {
"resDict": {
"filesystem" : {
"id": ["0d11afdc-369b-45ca-b17a-8888edc06c7e", "ff9ee464-64e7-4a68-bd2c-b3340da9feb3"],
"label": ["APIFilesystem", "APISource"]
"flow" : {
"id": ["0d11afdc-3667-45ca-b17a-8867edc06c7e"],
"label": ["FlowTest"]
dict |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"progress": "100%"
Copy Flow¶
Description: Copy a flow from the environment pointed by {envId}
to a potentially different environment indicated by {{destenv_Id}}
POST /resource/copy/flow/{envId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
envId |
The ID of the source environment where the environment will be taken. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
id |
The list of ids of the flow to be copied. |
list |
querystring |
label |
The list of names of the flow affected by the modification occurred. |
list |
querystring |
cut |
If yes, the original resource will be erased at the end of the transition. |
str |
body |
permissionList |
The permissions assigned to the new flow. The parameters to specify are:
dict |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"progress": "100%"
Set Code¶
Description: Updates an existing history of a manager task in a flow identified with the ID {flowId}.
POST /resource/set/code/{flowId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
flowId |
The ID of the flow which contains the task to be updated. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
task |
The name of the task to be updated. |
str. |
body |
id |
The indexes of the history rows to be updated. If indexes are greater than the actual history length, rows will be appended at the end. |
list. |
body |
code |
The actual code of the rows to be added to the task history. |
list. |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "session/Set/Code/4c0e6962-8e35-4060-bbc1-aa1ee5b42846"
Insert Code¶
Description: Insert some new rows at a target position of an existing history of a manager task in a flow identified with the ID {flowId}.
POST /session/insert/code/{flowId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
flowId |
The ID of the flow which contains the task to be updated. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
task |
The name of the task to be updated. |
str. |
body |
code |
The actual code of the rows to be added to the task history. |
list. |
querystring |
target |
The target index position for the insertion. If it is not provided, the top or the bottom of the whole list according to the |
str. |
querystring |
before |
A flag to control if the new rows should be inserted before or after the target position |
str. |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": [
"id": 1,
"operation": "ADD ATTRIBUTES",
"code": "//DATASET OPERATION\n//ADD ATTRIBUTES\nt.dataset.addAttribute([\"Var_1\"], [\"nominal\"], [\"input\"], True, False)",
"scope": null,
"environment": "dataset",
"status": 2,
"desc": "Add attribute/s <i>Var_1</i>"
"id": 2,
"operation": "FORMULA",
"code": "//DATASET OPERATION\n//FORMULA\n$\"Var_1\" = \"mamma\"\n//DATASET OPERATION\n//EDIT ATTRIBUTES\nt.dataset.changeAttribute(\"Var_1\", \"formula\", \"\\\"mamma\\\"\")",
"scope": null,
"environment": "dataset",
"status": 2,
"desc": "Assign to attribute <i>Var_1</i> result of formula <i>"mamma"</i>"
"id": 3,
"operation": "FORMULA",
"code": "//DATASET OPERATION\n//FORMULA\n$\"average_cost\" = enum()\n//DATASET OPERATION\n//EDIT ATTRIBUTES\nt.dataset.changeAttribute(\"average_cost\", \"formula\", \"enum()\")",
"scope": null,
"environment": "dataset",
"status": 2,
"desc": "Assign to attribute <i>average_cost</i> result of formula <i>enum()</i>"
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "session/Insert/Code/4c0e6962-8e35-4060-bbc1-aa1ee5b42846"
Delete Code¶
Description: Delete some rows in an existing history of a manager task in a flow identified with the ID {flowId}.
POST /session/delet/code/{flowId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
flowId |
The ID of the flow which contains the task to be updated. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
task |
The name of the task to be updated. |
str. |
body |
indexes |
The indexes of the history rows to be deleted. |
list. |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": [],
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "session/Delete/Code/4c0e6962-8e35-4060-bbc1-aa1ee5b42846"
Get Code¶
Description: Get the history of a manager task in a flow identified with the ID {flowId}.
GET /session/get/code/{flowId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
flowId |
The ID of the flow which contains the history to be retrieved. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
task |
The name of the task to be updated. |
str. |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": [
"id": 1,
"operation": "ADD ATTRIBUTES",
"code": "//DATASET OPERATION\n//ADD ATTRIBUTES\nt.dataset.addAttribute([\"Var_1\"], [\"nominal\"], [\"input\"], True, False)",
"scope": null,
"environment": "dataset",
"status": 2,
"desc": "Add attribute/s <i>Var_1</i>"
"id": 2,
"operation": "FORMULA",
"code": "//DATASET OPERATION\n//FORMULA\n$\"Var_1\" = \"mamma\"\n//DATASET OPERATION\n//EDIT ATTRIBUTES\nt.dataset.changeAttribute(\"Var_1\", \"formula\", \"\\\"mamma\\\"\")",
"scope": null,
"environment": "dataset",
"status": 2,
"desc": "Assign to attribute <i>Var_1</i> result of formula <i>"mamma"</i>"
"id": 3,
"operation": "FORMULA",
"code": "//DATASET OPERATION\n//FORMULA\n$\"average_cost\" = enum()\n//DATASET OPERATION\n//EDIT ATTRIBUTES\nt.dataset.changeAttribute(\"average_cost\", \"formula\", \"enum()\")",
"scope": null,
"environment": "dataset",
"status": 2,
"desc": "Assign to attribute <i>average_cost</i> result of formula <i>enum()</i>"
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "session/Get/Code/4c0e6962-8e35-4060-bbc1-aa1ee5b42846"
List Task¶
Description: Get the list of asks present in a flow identified with the ID {flowId}.
GET /session/list/task/{flowId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
flowId |
The ID of the flow. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"dataman": "datamanager",
"adult_new": "sourcetextfile",
"adultdata": "datamanager",
"child": "datamanager"
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "session/List/Task/4c0e6962-8e35-4060-bbc1-aa1ee5b42846"
Set Code¶
Description: Updates an existing history of a manager task in a flow identified with the ID {flowId}.
POST /session/set/code/{flowId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
flowId |
The ID of the flow which contains the task to be updated. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
task |
The name of the task to be updated. |
str. |
body |
option |
The name of the task options to be updated. You can use the task context help <./../../factory/tasks#context-help> |
list. |
body |
code |
The actual code of the options to be updates in the task. |
list. |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "session/Set/Option/4c0e6962-8e35-4060-bbc1-aa1ee5b42846"
Description: List all the modified options in a task belonging to a flow identified with the ID {flowId}.
GET /session/list/option/{flowId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
flowId |
The ID of the flow which contains the task to be updated. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
task |
The name of the task to be updated. |
str. |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
Reset Flow¶
Description: Reset all the tasks belonging to a flow identified with the ID {flowId}.
GET /session/reset/flow/{flowId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
flowId |
The ID of the flow which contains the task to be updated. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
mode |
str. |
body |
taskList |
The list of tasks to be reset |
list. |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": {},
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "session/Reset/Flow/543a4e15-cedb-47b3-8c75-ea884e1a5ae8"
Reset Code¶
Description: Reset the status of a whole history of a manager task in a flow identified with the ID {flowId}.
POST /session/reset/code/{flowId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
flowId |
The ID of the flow which contains the task to be updated. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
task |
The name of the task to be updated. |
str. |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
"status": "completed",
"code": 0,
"data": [],
"desc": "",
"status_code": 200,
"topic": "session/Delete/Code/4c0e6962-8e35-4060-bbc1-aa1ee5b42846"
Execute Event¶
Description: Execute an event stored in a particular flow
POST /session/execute/event
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
querystring |
flowPath |
The path of the flow which contains the event to be executed. |
str |
querystring |
eventName |
The name of the event to be executed. |
str. |
querystring |
failurePolicy |
The failure policy for the execution of the event. Can be |
str. |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
Stop Execute Event¶
Description: Stop the execution of a running event contained in a flow identified with the ID {flowId}.
POST /session/stop/executeevent/{flowId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
flowId |
The ID of the flow which contains the running event. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve IDs. |
str |
querystring |
eventName |
The name of the event to be executed. |
str. |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
Execute Macro¶
Description: Execute the macro identified with the ID macroId.
POST /resource/execute/macro/{macroId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
macroId |
The id of the macro you want to execute. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve the ID. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
Stop Execute Macro¶
Description: Stop the execution pf a running macro identified with the ID macroId.
POST /resource/stop/executemacro/{macroId}
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
path |
macroId |
The id of the running macro you want to stop. See Get Resource ID for further details on how to retrieve the ID. |
str |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is:
Set Working Area Settings¶
Description: Change the working area settings for the recipient {recipient} of Rulex Platform.
POST /{recipient}/set/workingareasettings
Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Location |
Name |
Description |
Type |
body |
settings |
The settings for the working area of the selected recipient. Settings should be expressed as a dictionary of this form: .. code-block:: JSON
dict |
The response schema for this specific request follows standard exposed in api response section. An example response is: