Export to XML File

The Export to XML File task exports datasets or other data structures into an XML file.

The Export to XML File task is divided into two tabs:

The Options Tab

A detailed description of the Options tab is provided in the Export tasks introductory page.

In this task only, the Tag name which includes the dataset is available: users can type here the tag name which includes the dataset.

Specific options are available when exporting to an Http Server destination type, more information available at the corresponding page.

The Export Options tab

The Export Options tab is made of one pane: the Dataset Structure pane.

Dataset Structure

Within this pane, users can set and configure the following options:

  • File format: the format users want to create the XML file. Possible values are:
    • Group (default)

    • Nested

    • Flat

  • Key for types: the string identifying the type.

  • Remove missing value: if selected, missing records are removed from the exported file.

  • HTTP method: the HTTP method to be used in the file’s upload, if the destination is Http Server. Possible values are: PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE

Import options

Available in the Export to JSON File and in the Export to XML File tasks only, the Import options pane is activated if the Response as output dataset option has been selected.

The pane’s name is due to the fact that the task imports the API response, so that it can be the task’s output.

Here, the layout of the tasks’ output will be defined.

It contains some options of the customization pane in import tasks, listed here.


  • Drag an Export to XML File task onto the stage and link it to the task containing the data to export.

  • Double-click the task to open it, and configure it as follows:
    • Select Results as the Data to be exported.

    • Select Store file as the Export mode.

    • Select the Destination type: in this case, we decided to use a Custom destination, a Local File System connection.

    • Choose the path of the folder where the file will be stored by clicking on the SELECT button.

    • Write the File basename in the corresponding field.

    • Select the Add current date and time as prefix checkbox.
