Export Tasks¶
Users may need to carry out further analysis or export their data once they have finished working with it. Rulex Factory provides a variety of Export tasks specifically designed to achieve these goals.
Users can export files effortlessly by dragging and dropping them onto the stage from the Task panel, located on the right of the stage. It is essential that users specify what specific file format they wish to export, since the resulting output may differ based on the selected task.
As previously mentioned, all data are exported via Export Task tasks. The results can be exported to a file or database, whose characteristics and functions will be analyzed in the following sections.
Export to File¶
Users can export their results directly to files.
Rulex Factory supports different file formats:
Consequently, the available Export Tasks in Rulex Factory are:
All the export to file tasks share some common features and options. Each export task has its own Options tab and Export Configuration pane - please refer to the dedicated pages to each task.
The Options tab is divided into two panes:
The File Options
Location Controller
In the Location controller, users have the possibility to choose where their files will be saved.

Before choosing the actual file or folder, users should define the filesystem to which Rulex Factory has to connect.
Filesystem connection can be defined by using two different connection types:
Saved connection
Custom connection
If users decide to configure a Saved connection, first they need to retrieve from the Explorer their previously saved Filesystem. By clicking on the three dots on the right, users can choose a filesystem resource they have already been saved in the environment. Indeed, these resources can be reused in other tasks or flows.
A Custom connection is a type of connection set up in the task itself. It allows to add a new connection to one of the supported remote Filesystems or to a Local Filesystem (e.g. your machine disk) and to use it in the current import task only.
See also
Please refer to the Filesystem page for further information about Filesystems.
When choosing the destination path in a Http Server destination in the Export to Json File or in the Export to XML File, the users can specify further options for the API response:
Response Uri: the response’s path type. Possible values are: Local File System**(default), or the remote connections available (**Sharepoint, HDFS, S3, FTP).
Save Response header: if selected, the response’s headers are saved in the same location of the http response.
HTTP method: the HTTP method to be used in the file’s upload. Possible values are: PUT or POST.
Response file path: the file path where the response will be saved.
File options
The file options pane include four panes, which allow users to configure various options, including how they want to export their data or the specific type of data they want to export.
the Data to be exported pane, where are listed all the data users can export.
the Export mode pane, where users can choose how they want to export their data.
the File Name pane. This pane is different for each export task. Please refer to the pages dedicated to every task to better understand how to configure it.
the Recipients for export via email pane, where users can type their email address into the edit box.
Data to be exported
Located on the left, the Data to be exported pane lists all the data users can export:
Cluster labels
Frequent itemsets
Association rules
Frequent sequences
Auto regressive models
Discretization cutoffs
pcs eigenvectors
Export mode
This pane allows users to select from a drop-down list the option that best suits how they want to export their data. Available options are:
Store file
Send via mail
File Name Pane
The File Name pane is different for each Export task. The only option common to all tasks is the File basename edit box, where users can type the chosen name for their export file. Please refer to the pages dedicated to every task to better understand how to configure the File Name pane options for every export task.
Recipients for Export via Email
Users can add their email address to Recipients for Export via Email edit box.
Whenever users want to send results to more than one person, they are required to separate each address with a comma.
Export to Database¶
As mentioned above, users can export datasets or other data structures to a database. Rulex Factory makes this operation possible by using the Export tasks.
All remote databases require the installation of their corresponding drivers to work correctly. Please refer to the Database Resources for more information.
For more detailed and in-depth information about the Export to Database task, please refer to the dedicated Export to Database page.